14. Love Is In The Air.

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Hey Lovies!! Here's the new chapter, hope you enjoy. :D x 


******* Cristina's POV *******

I stood still, my back facing the entrance, preparing myself for whatever could happen next. Surprisingly, no hands were put on my waist, no stolen kisses and no hugs from behind like usually. Just a chuckle coming from behind me. I turn around and spot Niall leaned against the fridge, smiling.

"What was that?" He smirks.


"Whatever you just did to Harry." He explains, looking me in the eyes.

"Nothing." I shrug, playing the innocent card.

I don't want to tell Niall what I just did, it would be embarrassing.

"From Harry's face, I'm pretty sure it wasn't nothing." He chuckles.

"What was his face?" I ask, growing interested.

"He was shocked, to say the least." He smirks.

"Perfect!" I say and start jumping and twirling around, pulling Niall with me. 

Niall looks at me with an amused face but at the same time interrogative, making me laugh even more. We stay in the kitchen a couple more minutes, me telling him what I decided to do to Harry. It turns out he found it hilarious.

I walk out of the kitchen smiling widely, Niall following me. 

I look at Harry who has Angie clinging onto him again, but this time he isn't paying attention to her but to me, which made me smile wider and feel quite happy and proud of myself. 

He's somewhat pulling a confused look, because of what happened like ten minutes ago, and a jealous/angry look, I'm going to assume it was because of me leaving the kitchen with Niall, smiling widely. 

I ignore his look and just to tease him a little more, I flirty wink at him and bite my lower lip. I notice something changing in his eyes, but I can't quite put my finger on what it is. I shrug it and start laughing at something Louis said, while sitting myself next to him.

****** Harry's POV *******

(While Cristina was in the kitchen with Niall) 

I was frozen and jealous, why did Niall have to follow her into the kitchen? Stop it Harry, they're just friends, period, nothing more, nothing less. 

And so are you, so stop with the jealousy, my conscious yells at me. 

But what the fuck just happened? I try to kiss her and she slaps me, then, out of nowhere, she comes to me and says she wants to devour me? 

What the hell? I can't understand this girl! She's too confusing. Does this mean I can go and kiss her if I want to or will I end up with another red cheek? 

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by someone coughing near me. I look to my left to see Louis there, staring at me, grinning.

"Spit it!" He whispers.

"What?" I frown, not understanding what he meant.

"What the hell left you so scared earlier?" He asks.

"Humm... I may have... hum... almost kissed her last night." I say, scratching the back of my neck.

 "Almost? Almost?! Why didn't you go all the way?" He whisper-screams, obviously frustrated.

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