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Hey Lovies,

I'm so, SO, sorry for it to had taken me so long to update! I don't really have any excuses, so I can only say: I'm sorry and thank you for sticking by and wait for the last chapter.

Enjoy it! :D



That day; that kiss, with Harry, made every piece of the puzzle fall back into place. A kiss was all it was needed for me to get my memory back. The doctor said that the intensity of the feelings I had for Harry and the memories I had with him, triggered a reaction in my brain that made, almost, my every memory come back to me and that's why I fainted; it was my body's reaction to this painful process. Apparently it's something that happens in several cases of amnesia.

The next day, I woke up to a muff of curls laid next to me, on my hospital bed. Harry was there peacefully sleeping, holding my hand in both of his. I lifted my free hand and started caressing his head, running my hand through his curls, an action that, now, was familiar to me; one of my favourite things in the world. He woke up meanwhile and smiled at me, the cutest, sleepiest, lazy smile ever.

Without giving him time to neither speak nor think, I leaned forward and kissed him in the lips. He was startled at first, but immediately wrapped his arms around me and got up, bringing me up with him. He strongly held me close to him, like he always does when we kiss, as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you." I whispered when we pulled away from the kiss. He stared at me, shocked by the words, but the tight hold was still there, keeping me in place.

"What!?" He questioned. The words probably sounding weird coming from my mouth due to the situation I was in just yesterday.

"The kiss; I remembered everything. I love you, Harry! And I don't want to stay away from you, never again." I explained with all sincerity and with a huge smile on my face. He grinned widely, the happiest grin I'd ever seen in those lips, and kissed me again. He didn't need to say it back, because his actions talked louder than words, and we both knew it. It has always been like that for us.

After that day we were inseparable; no rumors, no pictures, nothing could tear us apart. The time we spent apart from each other was what it took for us to understand that, what we really wanted was to be together. We had our fights of course, like every other couple, but nothing that was enough to make us go more than three hours without speaking to each other. We trusted each other dearly and that's what made our relation last until these days.

"What are you thinking?" Harry asks me, while wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. He kisses my neck, leaving the place tingling. He still has this effect on me. It's crazy and I love it.

"About everything we've been through." I answer, still looking out of the window, watching the raindrops fall and hit the ground. 

"Any regrets?" He asks. I could feel his hot breath on my skin, as his head was on the crook of my neck.

"None." I confess, in all honesty.


"Yeah. I love my life right now. I wouldn't change anything from the past 'cause it could change the future I have now and that's something I really don't want to happen."

"Me too." He smiles, kissing my neck again.

"You know, I thought you would never take me to the Eiffel Tower."

"I told you; you are special, so, I didn't want to give you ordinary things." He excuses himself. The same excuse he says every time I mention this.

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