39. In Between The Lines

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******* Cristina's POV *******

 It's around seven O'clock in the afternoon and I'm heading home from work. Like usually, I walk there since I live only a few miles away from the clinic. I do my usual stop at a small coffee shop on the way. The nice old lady behind the counter already has my order ready to take when I get there. I chat a little with her and continue my way home.

Once inside my flat, I go to my kitchen to get a cup of water. After cleaning it and putting it back in its place, I go to the bathroom. After getting my well deserved bath, I wrap a towel around my body and start to walk to my room to get dressed.

I walk inside, closing the door behind me with my foot, and suddenly I feel two strong arms wrapping around my waist and a soft kiss being planted on my neck. Smiling I turn around just to be greeted with that loving stare that I grew to love so much. I wrap my arms around his neck and lean in to kiss him but he leans back, not letting me kiss him. His hand never leaving my waist though. I pout at his actions and he chuckles.

"This is the payback for being away from me for so long." He smirks showing one of his dimples.

"That's not fair." I complain, still pouting.

"I know." He chuckles and kisses me in the corner of my mouth.

"Stop teasing. You're mean." I accuse, with my head on the crock of his neck.

"But you love me like that." He says. 

I leave a kiss on his neck and retrieve my head from his neck. Looking into his beautiful green eyes, I get a little closer to him, our noses only a few inches apart.

"Only if you kiss me." I grin. 

He lightly chuckles and starts leaning in. 

"Wake up!" Someone shouts in my ear, startling me. 

I immediately open my eyes and groan when I find a smirking Samanta at the end of my bed.

"Finally! I've been trying to wake you for the past five minutes." She says, way too loud for this early in the morning. 

Why do I insist on giving her the keys to my houses?

"Couldn't you have waited a couple more minutes?" I whine as I sit up on the bed.

"Nice dream?"

"Perfect." I smile, reliving the dream in my head, over and over again. 

I wish it could actually becomes true one day.

"Can I know about it or does it has dirty details?" She asks smirking.

"Are you talking about your dreams with Niall?" I retort, chuckling.

"They're not dreams, they're memories." She grins and winks at me.

"Oh God!" I playfully cover my ears with my hands. 

She had told me a few of those dreams she had with Niall, and knowing that they're actually true it's quite disturbing.

"It's not like you never did it." She shrugs, grinning.

"I know, but it wasn't like that. I dreamt that me and Harry were back together."

"You could be." She states.

"No now, Sam. Please." I plead.

I'm not in the mood for judgments. I just woke up from a nice dream and am sick and tired of telling her that there's nothing I can do to fix this mess. I signed a contract and it's been too long now, I'm sure he's already over me.

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