44. No More Monosyllables

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Hey Lovies,

How's 2014 been so far?? Besides my hangover, mine's been good. 

36k reads and 600+ votes? Thank you a lot!! :) xx


******** Samanta POV *******

"I spoke with the guys yesterday. They were all gathered and decided to FaceTime me. João and Luís were completely wasted." I tell Cristina, laughing.

"Yeah, they tried to call me, but I was at work. I didn't hear it." She says a bit sad. 

"How are they?" She questions.

"Crazy, like usual." I laugh and she joins me.

"Oh God, you're not going to believe what Tiago did!" Cristina suddenly says. 

A sudden realization coming into her head.

"What?" I ask her, chuckling.

"I completely forgot to tell you!"

"It doesn't surprise me." I comment, still chuckling. This girl has the memory of a fish sometimes.

"Tiago just randomly asked me to be his girlfriend." She tells me and I gasp.

"No way!" I shriek.

"Yeah, it was so weird! I wasn't expecting it at all." She smiles while shaking her head.

"You weren't?" I question her, really stupefied. 

To me it's no surprise that he asked her this. I mean, I'm surprised, because I actually thought that he would never grow the balls to actually do it, but he always had a thing for her. So it's not exactly that strange that he finally made a move on her.

"No. I mean, he's my friend. I know him for ages now." She shrugs.

"He always had a thing for you." I reason with her.

"I know, but I thought he was already over it." She shrugs again and takes a sip from her juice.

"Apparently he's not." I conclude.

"Yeah. He said that I was the right one for him and that he could see himself with me in the future. That we have something special and that I couldn't just ignore it. He didn't ask directly, but he was hinting it." She explains.

"And you?" I press and she shrugs.

******* Cristina's POV *******

We finished yet another physiotherapy session. Harry is almost good. His arm extends to its fullest already. So it just needs a few more sessions to make sure it stays like this and that it won't present pain. A few more and he's good as new. He'll have to wait a bit before he can start training like he did though, because his arm is a bit weaker so it will resent itself if he pushes it too far.

Harry sits up straight on the bed, messes with his hair and starts rolling his sleeve down, hiding his tattoos that I love so much. I took my time to analyze all of them, during these last 2 weeks. I get up and go the closet to stow the stuff I used in Harry's treatment, still having him in my peripheral sight.

"Why did you do it?" He asks while pulling his hoodie down his head and I turn around to look at him properly, slightly shocked.

Aside from a few monosyllables that he directed to me during this past two weeks, this has been the longest sentence he voiced, and it's actually in order to start a conversation so, you can imagine my shock.

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