3. Moving In

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Harold has been chatting away with my parents since he got in the room, and by now it must seem like I'm hunted by a demon, as I've been rolling my eyes every time Harold utters a word -and he's been talking nonstop. He's being so friendly that if I was to tell this to someone else, they wouldn't believe this is the same guy from yesterday.

Feeling like I'm about to turn sour and bit some rude comeback, I get up and exit the room, walling outside to take in the beautiful sight my aunt's house has over the towns Castle.

To Louis

'Did you know your best friend is bipolar?! :o'

To Samanta *.*

'Hey Sammy, how is it going in there? Having fun? :D I have news! -.-'

From Samanta *.*

'It's been awesome, I went to a Zombie fair! It was so scary, it looked so real and a few zombies chased after me, I looked mental screaming and running, but I loved it! :D we have to come here together sometime! :) What's wrong? :/ '

Attached to the text, she sent me a picture of her and some zombies and believe me, if you saw that in the street coming in your direction you would run and scream too! That translates to "she's never going to get me to step into that fair willingly".

I text her the small version of the most recent events and she ends up agreeing that Harold must have something up his sleeve.

From Louis

'Who? Harold? I don't think so, but we never know... What happened now?'

Again, I text a small version of what's currently happening inside, between Harold and my parents and about that little too friendly moment between Harold and me, which Louis found really amusing and focused on, ignoring the main point I was trying to pass across.

I walk inside the house again, passing by the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water on my way back to the living room, where my family is. Once I reach the doorway, I see Harold and my parents laughing, and decide that I need to confront him about his act.

I cough, catching their attention.

"Uhm... Harold, can you join me in the hallway? I need to talk to you." I request in a monotone voice.

"Sure, babe."

I stop on my tracks, and send him a murderous stare, to which he replies with a stupid grin. I answer by turning my back to him and leaving the room.

I wait for him and as soon as his chocolate curls get in sight, I spat, little above a whisper - I don't want anyone else to hear us fighting again.

"What do you think you're doing!?"

"Uhm... Talking to you?!" He jokes. It's like the person he was yesterday disappeared, but I know better than to believe that.

"No shit, Sherlock! I'm referring to that little scene in there!" I accuse, pointing to the living room.

"What's wrong with it? I was just being nice." He says in his nicest tone, but the small smirk that's growing on his lips, gives away his little act.

I knew it was something more than just a sudden realization of his lack of manners.

"Yeah right, and I'm secretly Alice in Wonderland!" I say sarcastically.

"That would explain your actions, you're just delusional!" He sneers.

"You're so funny, I can't even..." I sarcastically start. Right now, I'm holding my sides, laughing humorlessly.

I probably do look delusional right now because he's just blankly staring at me, with a questioning look.

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