59. By Your Side

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Hey Lovies,

I'm back!! :DD Sorry for making you wait so long for an update, but here it is now.

Thank you for sticking by, I love you for that. :) x

 Hope you like it! xx


****** Cristina's POV ******

Spinning and orange. Spinning and white. Spinning and orange and white.

This is all I see and I can't get myself to get out of it. I'm stuck in this white and orange spiral, that's constantly moving and doesn't go away. No matter how much I try to go back to reality and to take control of my body, it just doesn't react. Whatever this is, is stronger than me.

I don't understand where I am. Am I still inside the coffin, dying? Has my time come already and this is some sort of limbo where I'm just waiting to know if I'm going to go to heaven or hell?

I seriously don't want to be stuck in this spiral world forever, it's frustrating and maddening, especially because I'm fully conscious of what's happening. I just want to go numb again.

I don't know how long I've been like this. Hours, days, maybe months? When was the last time I saw Harry's image? I would rather be stuck with a spiral of Harry, than this. At least I would die happily ever after. Who wouldn't want to live - or die -  with the person they love close to them. Even if I'm dead and it would be just my imagination, I would be happy.

******* Harry's POV *******

"She's gone mum. It's been six hours and she was too weak to survive this long." I whisper through the phone speaker. I can't seem to elevate my voice any louder. 

"She's gone." I repeat, my voice breaking in the end.

"Maybe this is a good thing Harry, you can move on now." My mum carefully says to me. 

It didn't surprise me that she said this. She started despising Cristina when she left me and I went into that deep, dark hole of loneliness. She blamed her for my change and my behavior and I have to admit that it was kind of her fault. But that's long gone now and my mum can't go around and be happy that someone's dead, specially when it was Cristie. She knows how much I care for that girl and how much this hurts.

"Mum, I never moved on because I couldn't and I didn't want to." I clarify to her, once again.

"She just did you wrong, honey. You're finally free from that spell she had you under. You can now be happy."

"Mum, I love you and you know that, but I called you because I needed your support and your kind words, not to hear you talking shit about the person I love dearly and actually wanted by my side for the rest of my life. You know how much I care for her and knowing that she's gone and hearing you talk like that about her is way too much for me to handle right now. So please call me back when you're back to be my lovely, caring mother." I tell her and hang up.

There are only a little few times when I talk to my mother like this and I hate it, but it's needed. She's going out of line with her words; I need comfort, not being pushed into something I'm not ready to live yet - or ever will. Specifically not now.

I look at the time on my phone and notice I've been talking to my mum for twenty minutes. It's something normal, it usually even takes longer. Her and my sister are my pillars, they always were and always will.

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