10. Hum.. Baby??

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Hey lovies!

OH MY CAKES! More than 2400 reads, I can't believe it, you guys are amazing!! I would appreciate some votes too though, but THANK YOU, I love you!! :D

Can you guys tell me where you're from? just trying to figure something here :) x


******** Cristina's POV ********

This house is about to become way more quiet. More quiet than I ever wanted it to be. Today is the last night of the boys in Portugal.

Tomorrow at five O'clock in the evening they will be on their way back to London. And me? Well, I'll be here, dying with boredom, at least until Samanta comes back from Germany!

We're all gathered around in Harry's room, just talking about some random topics. I was in the middle of Zayn and Louis, Zayn being on my right and Louis on my left side followed by Liam, then Harry who was right in front of me, and then Niall next to Zayn.

"I don't want you guys to go!" I whine, catching all their attention.

It's crazy to think how used I got to Harry's daily presence in the past couple weeks and how these boys had grown on me in the past two days. I really care about them, but I guess it's time to let them go, they have their lives in London and I have to keep that in mind.

"Neither do we, but we have to." Zayn says, putting his left arm around my shoulders, letting me lean on his chest.

"I think I'll kidnap you and keep you in my basement!" I say nonchalantly.

"Do you have a basement?" Niall asks confused.

Either I am a really good liar or he's really gullible.

"No. I'll just dig a hole and keep all of you in there, just with your heads out so you can breathe and eat." I joke. 

They all look at me like I've just grown two heads, Harry being the only one smiling because he knows me better than the others. By now he's used to my stupid and something dry humor.

"Would you do it?" Zayn asks, moving me slightly so we were facing each other. 

I look at him for a few seconds, with a serious face, going along with the act. A few seconds later I couldn't contain myself anymore so I started laughing.

"Of course not! Besides, there's five of you and one of me, I'm pretty sure you guys would have no problem in passing through me to get yourselves free." I manage to say between laughs, pushing him playfully. 

Next thing I know, I'm laying on the floor, with Zayn straddling me and tickling me in the process. I immediately start debating underneath him to try and get out of the vulnerable spot.

"St-Stop. Please!" I beg while laughing, trying to make him stop. 

I fail miserably, because he doesn't show any signs of wanting to stop.

"Make me, if you can!" Zayn dares, laughing. 

Somehow I manage to distract him for a few seconds giving me the opportunity to turn our positions around meaning I'm the one straddling him now. I start tickling him right away so that he doesn't stop me.

I win!

"You were saying?" I say, one eyebrow up and smirking at Zayn, making the other boys laughing.

"Can you guys cut it off already?" Harry says with a blank expression. What is his problem? Everyone was staring at him with a surprised face just like me. Except Louis , he had a knowing look playing on his face, showing he knew what was happening. Note to self, make Louis tell me what the hell is wrong with Harry.

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