24. Reaching You

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Hello Lovies, I know the tour doesn't start until April, but I'm going to make it start on February 14th so it can fit the story.


******* Harry's POV *******

Cristina didn't take as bad as I thought she would, the fact that we had to come out public. Apparently someone took a picture of our midnight kiss and posted it online. I just want to find that person and fucking punch them. Why can't people mind their own business?

She was so nervous when I told her I would confirm it in some interview. She kept saying everybody would hate her and would send her hateful messages. She was shaking so awfully when we went out without hiding or keeping it low that I just wanted to take her back home, but luckily the fans that approached us were really nice to her so by the end of the day she was a lot more calm and actually enjoying herself.

She's been handling the hate better than I thought she would. She actually laughs at most of the hateful comments. I think that most of the fans like her because she's just like them, she was a fan before we met and I guess it kind of gives them hope. I'll never understand it, but fans like it when famous people date ordinary people.

I'm in Los Angels and it's been a month since I last saw Cristina. Face to face at least. I miss her so much and to top it all it's valentine's day tomorrow and she won't be here with me. It's the first day of tour and I really wanted her to be here, to support me and to make out a little too, I have to admit, but she had some university stuff to attend to and can't make it.

At three O'clock in the morning I'm waken by my phone buzzing. Who's fucking waking me up this early in the morning!? 

When I see the caller ID my sleepiness induced anger completely vanishes from me.

"Babe! Guess what I'm doing!" She excitedly asks me. 

"Hum... Stalking on me?" I playfully ask, smiling.

 I can't avoid the happiness that, the simple sound of her voice brings to me.

"Close. But I don't need to do that, I have people who do that for me." She continues my joke. 

I can tell she's grinning.

"Creeper." I start chuckling, but am interrupted by a yawn.

"Oh, I completely forget about the time zones. It's really early there, isn't it?" She asks really concerned. 

I play the guilty look, she surely has, in my head and my heart squeezes a little, because I have to imagine it instead of looking at it.

"Yeah." I chuckle.

"I'm sorry." She apologizes. 

"It's ok. If you're the reason I'm awake, I don't mind a single bit." I honestly tell her.

"Cheesy much?" She playfully asks.

I know she loves when I say these things to her, even though she always calls me cheesy and other stuff.

"You love me that way." I grin.

"You can't see, but I'm sticking my tongue at you." She informs me, making me laugh.

Now she's trying to play huffy.

"Anyway, what were you trying to tell me?" I change the subject, knowing she'll let go of the huffiness and go on with the conversation.

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