52. Warming Up

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Hey Lovies,

I want to thank you for the support you guys have been giving to this story. It's been a year since I started writing this and seeing the reads, votes and comments increasing is one of the most fantastic things.

Thank you! :) xx


****** Cristina's POV ******

I wake up with the bright light of the sun hitting my face, the warmth of the light being very welcomed. I stay in bed, with my eyes closed, for a few more minutes just enjoying the comfort I'm feeling this morning.

Moments later I decide to get up and get ready because I know that Samanta will be knocking on my door any minute now and I'm not looking forward to wake my brain fully up with her scolding me for not being ready.

I walk to the bathroom, feeling my body light and completely free from tension, which is new to me - it's been a while since I remember feeling this relaxed. I get inside and start washing my teeth, not even looking at myself in the mirror - mostly because I was still with my eyes closed, but I didn't need to look at it either. I feel a weird smell, a familiar scent that I can't exactly distinguish because of the mint taste that I have in my mouth, but shrug it off.

It's not until I look at myself in the mirror that I remember last night happenings. The club; a bit too much to drink; Harry and Louis fight; me dragging Harry away; all the banting and teasing and...

Oh no. Oh shit! Please tell me I'm just imagining things. Please, please, please!

I look away from the mirror and down at my garment to make sure that my reflection is wrong, but unfortunately, it isn't. My garment is not my usual pajamas. The freaking thing is not even close to a pajama. I'm wearing Harry's fucking shirt!

No, no, no, no! This can't be true. That couldn't have possibly happened. It's all a dream. I dreamt with it. This is my room not Harry's. It can't be.

I get out of the bathroom and start walking around the hotel room searching for my things, trying to find something that assures me that my memories are wrong, but it never happens. The less things I find, more real the memories seem.

Me leaning in and pecking him on the lips; His shocked but not offended expression; Me leaning back down and kissing him more fiercely, more passionately; The way he took a few seconds to react, but then wrapped one of his arms around my waist while the other was filled with my face; How he turned us around, leaving him hovering over me and I did nothing to stop it from going further, instead, I wrapped my right leg around his left one and deepened the kiss.

"I'm so fucking stupid." I groan as I fall onto the bed and hide my face in my hands.

I knew all of his words and sweet gestures meant nothing. I knew it and I still fell for it and like the heartless, stupid jerk he is, he put all my feelings to trash and left. Probably without a second look or regret.

For him, I'm just another one night stand. I mean nothing more than all those other girls he's been with. Maybe this is his way to get his revenge. He knows how much something like this would affect me. I know he knows and he still did it. He used me and ditched me like I was some broken toy, some slut.

Groaning loudly, I take his shirt off in a swift move. It was starting to feel like acid, burning my skin. I put my last night dress back on, grab my purse and storm out of the room, banging the door on the way out, decided to forget that last night ever happened. I should be sad and maybe a bit depressed with it, I mean I was just used by someone I actually have feelings for, but instead I only feel anger. Anger alone, nothing more.

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