51. She Still Has It

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Hey Lovies,

After I finish this story, I'm thinking about starting a new one. I'm still unsure on either to make it a teenfic or a fanfic.

And would you guys read it?

Please, PLEASE give me your opinion, I really need it. :D


******* Cristina's POV *******

It's two O'clock in the afternoon and my flight is in about twenty minutes. The others got a really early flight and already are in Australia and I'm not even inside the plane yet. I got stuck at the inspection area because of my belly piercing. Apparently it has some weird metal that makes the machines go crazy so they ordered me to wait until they let all the other passengers through, so that they can make sure it really is my piercing and that I don't have anything illegal hidden.

I tried to take it off to show them that it was just a piercing, I even told them they could keep it, but they didn't care. I'll go nuts if I lose my flight because of this. 

Against my will, Paul got me a first class seat, which was completely unnecessary. Of course I'll be a lot more comfortable there in the next fifteen hours flight, but still, standard class would be enough for me. He knows that, I've told him so many times before, but he continues to ignore it.

I finally enter the airplane, the air hostesses sending me dirty looks because of my delay, but it's not my problem nor my fault. The security was afraid that I might kill someone with my tiny piercing. That's who she has to blame, not me.

I walk to my designated seat, put my hand bag in the booth above me and when I look at the person that I'll be sharing my next fifteen hours with, I have to take a double look to make sure I'm not hallucinating.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him, shock clear in my voice.

Out of all the people, he is the last person I was expecting to find here.

"Trying to get to Australia." Harry shrugs.

"Excuse me, you have to sit down, the flight will start any minute now." One of the air hostesses tells me.

I nod and sit down, keeping as much space between me and Harry as possible. She walks away and I stare back at Harry, frowning.

"Your flight was hours ago." I state and he just looks at me for a few seconds.

"Yes, but I had to get a few things done and I wasn't able to catch it." He explains and looks back at the small screen in front of him.

"Oh, ok." I nod and lean back onto the seat.

I stare at the similar screen in front of me, reading some information that were playing as the plane starts getting its speed and takes off.

"What took you so long to get inside?" He questions moments later.

"I got late to the airport and then the airport security stopped me because of my piercing." I explain, looking at him.

"Your piercing?" He asks with one eyebrow up, clearly confused.

"Yeah, apparently it has some metal that makes the alarm go off and as my jeans are high-waist they thought I had something hidden. Completely stupid." I shake my head, still not believing they made me wait there because of a piercing.

"You're kidding, right?" He starts to chuckle.

"No, I almost got dragged to the ransack room." I say and Harry starts laughing fully. 

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