48. Goodbyes

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Hey Lovies,

 Just realized, it's my birthday already. So, happy birthday to me :D 


 ******* Cristina's POV *******

(A few days later. Jun 4th of 2018)

I'm treating some kid that broke his leg while jumping off of a roof. Yes, a roof. When I asked him why he did it, he told me it was because he thought he could fly. I'm seriously considering telling his mum that he may need psychiatric help but I'm pretty sure she already knows that. I' sure this wasn't his first incident.

I hear a knock on the door and tell the person to come in.

"I'm going to see the boys rehearsal, want to come?" Samanta asks me while entering the room.

"No." I simply answer her, not bothering to look at her.

"But they're leaving tomorrow." She tries to convince me.

"To where?" I question looking at her questionably.

"They're going on a mini tour in America. Promoting the new album and stuff." She explains.

"For how long?"

"About two months." She clarifies.

"That sucks." 

That means I'll have two boring months. It's not that I don't have fun with Samanta, but once you're used to hang out with those boys almost every day, when they're not around, it gets boring.

"That's why you should come and say goodbye." She tries again.

"I want to. But I won't be able to look at Harry's face without remembering what he did." I admit to her, hoping she understands my reasons. 

"Give them a kiss for me and tell them I'll text later though." 

Nodding, she gets up and leaves the clinic. Her shift is over for today so she won't be coming back, meaning I'll have to walk home alone today.

******* Samanta's POV *******

"I thought you were bringing Cristina." Niall comments after welcoming with a kiss. 

He puts his arm around my shoulders and walks me further inside the room.

"She didn't want to come." I shrug.

"Why?" He questions. 

"She's not feeling well. But she told me she'll text you later." I say. 

Now to all the boys, since they're all sat close to each other and it's their interest too.

"Is she ok?" Harry asks me, slightly worried. 

I feel like tell him to fuck off, but I don't want to create bad atmosphere.

"What do you think?" I spat, narrowing my eyes at him.

"She didn't come because of me, right?" Things finally connect in his head. 

What other reason would it be? She loves these boys.

"At least you're smart." I roll my eyes at him.

******** Cristina's POV ********

Today is the day I get to leave work earlier and being alone in this house is driving me crazy. So, I decide to go for a walk.I need to unwind. 

Twenty minutes later, I end up in the same park where I met Zayn and Louis a few months ago. So much has changed since that day. 

I got out of that shitty contract. Samanta moved to London and is working with me. I'm once again talking to my favorite people in the world. People started to approach me more in the streets, because there's pictures online of me and the boys hanging out. They don't seem to see me as Harry's ex, though. I guess my blond hair did a good job at making me go unrecognized. Not for everyone though. There's a few fans that recognize me anyway, but that's ok. I'm kind of used to it now. 

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