28. Nothing.

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******* Samanta's POV *******

I'm going to be in London for a week before I have to go back to start my third and last year of University. I'm at an arena with the boys, as they're doing the soundcheck for the gig they have tonight. 

They've been singing their own songs and some covers, and basically fooling around most of the time. They just finished Story of My Life and Harry starts humming something into the mic, looking lost in his own world.

Niall catches the song he's singing and starts playing the chords in the guitar, making Harry look at him. Niall nods, signaling him to singing properly. He restarts the song and I immediately call Cristina on FaceTime. 

I want her to hear this.

Maybe I'll get something out of her. I can tell there's something important she's not telling me and I'm more than sure that her bullshit of excuse about not handling the pressure it's a complete lie. She loves that boy more than herself, she would endure anything if that meant she could be with him.

(A/N: song on the side)

"Am I better off dead

Am I better off a quitter"

"Hi." She greets, smiling. 

I shush her and she obeys. I stare at her, wanting to see her reaction that may give away something. She's narrowing her eyes, clearly trying to understand what's happening.

"They say I'm better off now,

Than I ever was with her,

As they take me to my local down the street,

I'm smiling but I'm dying trying not to drag my feet"

At this time her eyes widen. She just figured out what I did. 

"Don't you dare hanging up." I threaten her. 

The boys are letting Harry sing by himself. It's as if they feel he needs this.

"They say a few drinks will help me to forget her

But after one too many I know that I'm never

Only they can see where this is gonna end

But they all think I'm crazy but to me it's perfect sense"

It's affecting her like I thought it would. I can see she's trying to hold back the tears. 

Louis goes to Harry, puts his hand on his shoulder and motions to the other boys to sing. They all start singing the chorus together. Letting Harry know they'll always be there for him.

"And my mates are all there trying to calm me down

'cause I'm shouting your name all over town

I'm swearing if I go there now

I can change your mind, turn it all around

And I now that I'm drunk but I'll say the words

And she'll listen this time even though they're slurred

So I dialed her number and confessed to her I'm still in love

But all I heard was nothing

So I stumble there, along the railings and the fences

I know if we're face to face that she'll come to her senses

Every drunk step I take leads me to her door

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