42. I Refuse

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Hey Lovies,

If any of you want to follow me on twitter, be my guest. I'll happily follow everyone back, I promise. :D

My user name is @SuVRibeiro


******** Cristina's POV *******

It's almost three O'clock in the afternoon and the patient I was supposed to start treating at two O'clock hasn't shown up yet and I'm getting a bit annoyed by it. I hate when people do this because it messes my whole schedule up. One thing is being late five, ten minutes even, but almost one hour it's an abuse.

In order to not waste my time I've been walking around the clinic, just checking on the patients and helping some of them that may need some help. 

On my way back to my office I bump into Mrs. Robinson, the sweet old lady I love, and start chatting with her. Five minutes later I start feeling chills, which I find really weird because it's not even cold in here. I may be getting a cold, it wouldn't surprise me, though. I'm not really used to the weather yet, and a couple days ago I forgot to bring my scarf, so my neck was completely exposed to the cold wind. It was bound to happen.

A couple minutes later I get another chill and a shiver runs down my body, making my skin get goosebumps. Oh God, I'm really getting sick. I hate to be sick, always sniffing and sneezing and feeling floppy.

"Dr. Cristina, your patient from two O'clock is here." The receptionist calls out for me.

"Finally." I groan, looking at my clock. 

I excuse myself from Mrs. Robinson and turn around to finally see who my patient is and once I do, my whole world crashes below my feet and a sudden rush of adrenaline rushes through my veins.

Now I understand the chills and the goosebumps. And it's definitely not a cold.

******** Harry's POV ********

I'm typing away on my phone and the goosebumps appear again.

What the fuck? The plaster really messed up my arm. It's acting all fucking weird.

The receptionist calls for someone, that I'm assuming is my doctor. I was kind of distracted with my phone and didn't notice what name she called. I'll have to ask John.

When I look up from my phone, my eyes lock with two light brown eyes I don't see in a long time. Light brown eyes that I missed dearly and I never thought I would see again.

Her shocked face literally mimics mine and we can't seem to manage to look away from each other's. Her eyes are slowly turning into a light shade of green. I can tell it's happening even though we're far from each other.

This is something I've only seen happening three or four times, and only happened when she looked at me. Something that makes me feel especial to know that I still have this affect on her and I hope it still only happens when she looks at me and only me.

It makes my mind wander back to the time I first saw it happening. It was the day her grandmother died, when she run way and I drove her to that cliff. We were sat there, enjoying the view and I finally decided to tell her why I acted the way I did.

After I told her everything, she looked me in the eyes and hers started changing color. She told me that her eyes changed color because she realized she was falling helplessly in love with me. That was the day when it all started. 

I was the only reason behind that change, the love I made her feel for me was what made that beautiful and flattering change, and it's happening again, just the way they did before.

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