13. Now the Game Is On You!

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******** Author's POV ********

After last night, things between Cristina and Harry got... let's just call them uncomfortably awkward. If you think yesterday was weird, you should see them today, the sexual frustration between them is palpable by everyone, from miles away. Eye narrowing, awkward stares, unusual silence coming from them. 

Everyone could see it, but no one dared to ask what happened. It was useless anyway, from Harry all they would get was a smooth change of subject and with Cristina's short temper towards any Harry related subject, they would only win an bitter comment or a sarcastic answer.

 ******** Cristina's  POV *********

We're all gathered at Liam's, apparently the boys always get together on Sundays. We are in his living room, watching some random movie that I didn't catch the name of. Niall, Liam and Louis are on the big couch in front of the TV, Zayn is on the single couch on the left side of the TV, I'm on the floor in between Zayn's legs and Harry is right in front of me on the love couch with Angie.

Me and Harry kept staring at each other. I could see a bit of hurt, confusion, and some other feeling I couldn't quite put my finger on, in his eyes. I'm reliving what happened last night in my head, thinking I may have been a little too brutal. I didn't need to slap him. I reluctantly drag my stare away from his eyes to his left cheek and notice a slightly red spot there. 

Oh my god, did I slap him that hard that he still has the mark of it? I wish I could kiss him better, but he's with Angie and there's nothing I can do about it. As if sensing I was thinking about his cheek, Harry lifts his left hand and caresses his left cheek. 

I smile at the sight though, proud of myself for not giving in onto his charm.

******** Louis' POV ********

"Can you stop looking at my boyfriend? It's disturbing." Angie spats at Cristie. 

Oh, this is going to be good. I immediately move to a better position to watch the fight I know it's going to happen. 

"Sorry, I didn't know I couldn't even look at him now, my bad." Cristina sarcastically answer while rolling her eyes.

"No, you can't!" Angie say emphasizing the "you", getting an emotionless laugh from Cristina.

"Really? And why's that?" She asks, with her left eyebrow up, obviously daring Angie to answer.

"Because everyone knows you like him." 

"I obviously do! I tend to like my friends, that's why I call them friends. Sorry if you're different!" Cristina answers with a fake smile.

"Shut up bitch, you know what I meant." Angie shouts and immediately all eyes are on Cristina, expecting her to burst at Angie for insulting her.

"Girls, I think it's enough." Liam calmly says, trying to stop that argument.

"Maybe, but please enlighten me though." Cristina calmly says, ignoring Liam and surprising everyone with her serenity after being insulted by Angie.

"Dumb bitch, everyone knows you want to steal him from me and he just doesn't want anything to do with you!" Angie spats leaving Harry wide eyed.

Being his best friend I could clearly tell he was afraid of something Cristina may say. 

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