32. Opss!

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Hey Lovies,

Don't forget, the conversations between the boys (or any other English person) and other people, are the only ones that occurs in English. Other than that they're suppose to be in Portuguese. Just a reminder that will probably help you understand the beginning of this chapter. 

Enjoy :) x


"Sim? (Hello?)" I answer the ringing phone.

"Hello Samanta," The person on the other end says. 

"It's not Samanta!" I spat, interrupting whoever this is. 

Who would call my phone and ask for Samanta? It's stupid. And how do they even know that I'm with her right now? Do we have a stalker? I start looking around the bar, trying to spot someone creepily staring at me.  I find no one. At least, no one holding a phone, there's a kind of disgusting, pregnant looking man looking at me, so I turn around slowly, praying that he doesn't find this small eye contact as an invitation to come bother me.

"Cristina!?" The person gasps. 

It's a boy, I think. It's hard to tell with the loud background music going on on the bar. Nevetheless, I don't make a move to try and find a quiet place, nor do I intend too. At least until I discover who this person is.

"Dah!" I retort. 

This boy is dumb as fuck.

"Are you drunk?" He asks.

"Nah." I lie, but he doesn't know.

I don't even know who this is, why would I tell him anything about me or my slightly inebriated state.

"You're talking by monosyllables. You are!" He concludes. 

Who is this?

"And who are you to tell me what I am or am not?" I ask, narrowing my eyes, as if the person could seen me, when in reality I'm just daringly looking at a shelf of booze.

I don't even know what I'm saying right now, the alcohol is doing the talking for me and I'm allowing it. 

"Someone that knows you pretty well." He states.

"Good for you." I sarcastically say and turn back around, vividly avoiding looking in the direction of the pregnant man.

Why am I even still on the phone? I should just hang up, but I'm more entertained by this conversation than by the activity of the bar so I let I'll run a little more.

"Still sassy I see." He comments and I don't answer because I'm trying to connect the familiar voice to a face or a name. 

"Why did you do it?" He suddenly asks. 

Am I too drunk to understand what he's talking about or did I just miss something on this conversation? The only thing I did was order another shot, but I doubt he knows that.

"Did what?" I ask, trying to find some clarity.

"Left Harry." The boy explains and then my synapses finally work, helping me connect the familiar voice to a very familiar face.

The voice belongs to Louis! I'm talking to Louis. Shit! for fucks sake, I've been speaking in english this whole time, that should have hinted to me that something was wrong. How come I didn't even realize it though? Is that how drunk I am? To the point where I can speak in a different language and not realize it?

That's why the bartender looked at me funny when I ordered another shot, I probably ordered it in english too.  

Fuck! It's the single word sprinting around in my head, I close my eyes and brush my left hand down the side of my face, trying to figure out how I'm going to get out of this conversation without lifting too much questions.

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