54. That B!

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"Well, well, well," I hear a male voice say from beside us. 

A voice that doesn't inspire me any trust and left an uneasy feeling in my chest. As the voice sounds, Harry stops in a halt making me almost bump into him. 

See! That's why I hate this town at night. There's always a creep hid in the alleys, waiting for people. As I'm looking around, trying to find the source of the voice, I notice that Harry is cursing under his breath, his jaw tensed. He's been doing that a lot, lately. 

"Look who we have here, London's biggest man-whore, Harry Styles." The man says, walking out of the dark, finally revealing his appearance - which doesn't help in anything the uneasy feeling I have - and I feel like slapping the smug smirk off of his face. 

How dare he talk to Harry like that? I turn my head to the right to look at Harry and he's just narrowing his eyes at the prick. The man starts talking again and Harry takes a discreet, yet large, step to the left, getting in my line of vision. 

Is he stupid or what? Didn't he see he would be standing in front of me? The creepy man is the one being obnoxious and I'm the one that's the target for Harry's rude behavior. Of course!

But for some reason I don't move out of my spot behind Harry. I guess I forgot to do it while I was planning what names I would call him this time, in my head.

"It's been a while." The man say. 

I can tell he's closer to us now.

"Not long enough." Harry snickers at him. 

The man just laughs, not slightly offended by Harry's rude attitude.

"Where were you going? To get drunk and fuck some other random slut?" The man snickers at Harry and I cringe at his choice of words. 

Harry just stays quiet. Why isn't he answering like he should be? What's going on? I know that sometimes, for some ignorant people, the best answer is silence, but come on, this man is annoying me and it's not even my business.

"Oh no, look at this." The man suddenly says and leans to the side, to take a look at me.

Instinctively I take a step forward, getting closer to Harry and hiding myself from the creepy man. I guess his earlier actions weren't that bad, after all.

Without thinking, I put my hands on his back, as if searching for the security that he never failed to assure me and this time was no exception, his body warmth immediately sends a safety sensation through me. I expected him to tense up or flinch away from my touch like he usually does, but surprisingly, he discreetly leans slightly back, accepting my touch.

"Guess you already got the bitch, hum?" The man asks and I notice Harry's fists clenching on his sides. 

"I must say, this one looks a lot better than the others. You're getting better taste, I see." I hear the man say. 

While trying to shake the thought of Harry with some skunk slut, I notice the man peaking from Harry's side again, now a lot more closer.

What the fuck man!? Just go! Leave us alone.

I take one of my hands away from Harry's back and try to get rid of any emotions that my face might be showing, basically trying not to look so vulnerable and afraid, but I lean a little bit further into him, with my shoulder on his back.

"Let me look at her." The man commands and extends his hand, trying to grab my arm. 

As I'm starting to put my hands away from the man's reach, Harry's right hand grabs the man's wrist, yanking him away from me and back in front of him. I sigh in relief and mentally thank him for finally start reacting.

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