21. Explanations

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Hello Lovies!! How's school, everyone? I know I could enjoy one more month without it! :P

You probably already know 'After', but if you don't, you HAVE to read it! 

It's absolutely amazing!! I love it! :)

Anyway, here's the chapter,enjoy! :D xx


******* Louis' POV  *******

We're at rehearsal for the upcoming tour. It only starts in about five months so I don't understand why we have to start rehearsing this soon, but it could be worse. These are usually quite funny. 

After Harry received that text from Cristina, three days ago, we're finally getting things done with a bit of success. He's been a bit more happy, focused and cheerful even though she still doesn't talk to him. It gave him the bust he needed.

We're in the middle of rehearsing one of the new songs when Samanta leaves the room, probably to go to the bathroom or something. When I look back at her laptop I notice she left her facebook logged in. 

Perfect! This gives me one idea.

"Look." I nudge Harry's side and point at the computer, grinning. 

He looks at me complaining about the pain I caused him at first but ends up looking in the direction I'm commanding.

"Samanta's computer?" He asks, completely clueless. 

I shake my head. Why am I the one that has to do all the thinking around here?

"Yes and she left her facebook logged in."

"So?" He just shrugs.

"Let's see if we can find something about Cristina's whereabouts." I excitedly say.

"We can't touch it. She'll kill us if she finds out!" He states.

"Stop being a pussy, don't you want to find her?" I question and he looks at me clearly battling inside, trying to decide if it's worthy being killed or not.

"C'mon." I say making the decision for him. 

I grab his arm and drag him to Sammy's computer. We get there and Harry just stares at it like it will bite him if he touches it. 

For fucks sake!

"I'll do it." I huff, after realizing he won't do anything. 

I push him to the side and get ready to start searching for any sort of information. 

Should I go through her personal messages? It would help a lot more, that's for sure, but that's too private for me to invade. Let's see if we get anything from somewhere else first. I click the search bar and type Cristina's name in there. When her profile appears on the screen Harry immediately leans down, to have a better view at it. 

I knew he wouldn't be able to resist any longer.  

"What are you guys doing?" Liam asks from a couple feet away from us.

"Trying to get some information about Cristina." I simply tell him, not looking up from the screen.

"You shouldn't be touching Sammy's computer, let alone going through her things." He scolds us and I shake my head at all of these cowards.

"It's for Harry's sake." I say and look behind me to look at him. 

Him and the boys are gathering around us too. 

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