8. Helping Him Out

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OH MY FUDGECAKES!! Almost 700 reads! I can't believe it!! Thank you SO much!! 

I LOVE YOU!! I truly do!

Hope you enjoy this chapter, let me know what you think! :D xx


For the rest of the afternoon, me and Harry got along as if we had known each other our whole lives. No fights, no argues, just the two of us enjoying each other's company.

It was about seven O'clock in the evening when Harry and I got out of the sea, so there weren't that many people on the beach anymore. No one actually recognized him, we got a few stares though, but no one approached us, which was good.

On our way back, Samanta texted me informing she was coming back in two weeks, which is really good because I really miss her and I need my best friend back.

After we arrived home, Harry thought he should go to his room and give me and my parents some time to talk about the earlier news. I agreed, we really needed to talk about it, since I ran away before we could earlier. I hugged him and he went to his room while I went to my parents. My mum wasn't crying anymore, but she was still low.

We talked for a while; my mum informed me that the funeral would be in two days, something that I'm not looking forward to attend.

--------- (Funeral day) ----------

It's four O'clock in the evening, the funeral ended twenty minutes ago and we're on our way back to my house.

I managed to make Harry come with me to the funeral, he didn't want to at first because he wasn't family, but after fifteen minutes of me begging, he eventually gave up.

During all the service, my head was leaned on Harry's chest while he had his arm around my shoulder, comforting me. Even though I tried my best to keep my promise to Harry and try not to cry, I couldn't. It was the last time I would see her, I was really emotional.

In the past two days Harry looked like a completely different person. No more jerk Harry, just the sweet guy he really is and that he had hidden. I think he finally realized that acting like a douche won't lead him anywhere but a life full of misery.

These two days were completely opposite to the week before, me and Harry didn't fight at all. We were always next to each other, always together, just talking and joking around. We've become really close and thinking that he'll have to leave in four days really bothers me because I know I'll miss him like hell. Not being sure if we'll keep talking or if I'll be just some other random girl he met, really makes my heart tighten.

We were now in my living room, I was cuddling next to Harry, my head on his shoulder, just watching some movie.

I don't know when we became this physical, but I don't really mind nor does he. It just feels right.

"Harry?" I ask, turning my head up a little to look at him.

"Yes?" He says, turning to face me.

"When you leave," I pause, Harry's looking at me attentively. 

"Will we keep talking or will you just forget about these couple of weeks and continue with your old life?" I finish outing my dreaded thoughts.

I have no idea why I'm asking him this, because in any other day I would shrug it off and just go with the flow, but I guess I'm sentimental today and it made me open up about my real thoughts.

"Don't be silly, of course we'll keep talking!" He says and looks at me as if I've said the silliest atrocity.

"Don't look at me like that. I know from self-experience that friendships are like love, they just don't work when you have thousands of miles in-between, separating you." I say, looking down. 

It's true, I don't believe in long distance relations of any kind.

"Well, I don't believe that. It's completely possible; you just have to put some effort into it. And I intend to do that with this relationship!" He states and I can see the sincerity in his eyes.

"We've only known each other for less than two weeks and for most of it we only fought. I bet that in a week you'll completely forget about me!" I tell him, lowering my head to look at my hands.

"I'm not like that, and you made me feel good with myself again, so I don't think I'll let you go anytime soon." He says, with a serious look on his face, involving me into a hug after.

"I hope so, I don't want to lose you, but I don't judge you if you do." I honestly confess.

"Shush. You'll have to put up with me for a long, long time." Harry says with a smirk, lightening the mood, making me laugh softly.

"I think I can handle that." I say smiling.

We returned to our original positions, and continue watching TV until I remembered something.

"Hey, Harry." He turns to me as if saying for me to continue. 

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