23. Body & Soul

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******* Cristina's POV *******

(December nineteenth, Thursday)

Harry and I have been together for three months now and it's been a little hard for me to be away from him. Since the day I met him we've been around each other pretty much all the time, arguing over something, making out or whatever; the thing is, he was always present and now I have an empty feeling in my chest, like something is missing and well, it is. 

My heart is missing, Harry took it with him, because he owns it. It's his, the same way his is mine.

Harry flew with me to Portugal when we left France, he stayed two days until he eventually had to go back. I've been busy with University and Harry's been busy with interviews and rehearsals. Having something to do half of the day , helps to tolerate the fact that he's not present. It keeps my mind entertained so I don't go thinking about him all day, even though he always manages to get his way into my mind from time to time - I can be walking down the street and smell something and immediately my mind wanders back to Harry.

Right now, it's not that hard to keep communication with him, because our schedules kind of match, but I'm pretty sure it won't be half as easy when his tour starts. It will be chaotic for him, always in a rush, exhausted from performing, having to travel from place to place and timezones.

I'll be seeing him on the twenty seventh though, which has me really excited - I've been counting the days. I have a calendar where I've been scratching the days that have passed and a heart around the day we'll meet again. Harry laughed when I showed it to him, he said I was a lame goof head, but I can't help it. I love him!


Today is Samanta's birthday. She's been a bit down today, even though she tries to hide it I can tell it's true - I know my best friend. I know the reason though, she hinted it in one of the classes we had together. She's sad because Niall didn't text or call her wishing a happy birthday yet.

They're not even together yet! 

In the two weeks I was gone those cowards didn't do anything, not even after me and Harry confirmed to them that it was mutual. When I found out, I just wanted to rip their heads off for being dumb and not to enjoy the alone time they had together.

At least one of them got some balls at the last minute. The day Samanta was leaving London, Niall offered to take her to the airport and when she was saying goodbye to him, he finally got the balls to grab her face and kiss her, like he should have done weeks ago. But well, better late than never, I guess.

The smile she had on her face when she was telling me all of this was really cute, she was so happy it warmed my heart. But then none of them talked about it anymore, they just kept talking like it never happened, so I kind of felt like banging my head on the wall for their stupidity.

Right now, me and Samanta are on our way to the airport. We're going to spend her birthday in Paris. She always wanted to go there, she keeps telling me this, and I have good memories from there. So I thought, why not?

"I can't catch a plane just like that, I have school tomorrow." She tries to reason even though I can see she's excited to go.

"Live a little!" I joke. -"We'll be back in the morning and we can always sleep in the airplane, and to top it all, I managed to get the tickets at a great price too.  " I say while taking the exit to the airport on the freeway.

"What if there's a delay?" 

"We miss classes. It's not like we never did it!" I shrug with a chuckle.

I don't understand why she's making such a fuss about the trip, but I'm finding it very funny.

"Yeah. But-" She tries to argue again, but I interrupt her.

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