26. Letting Go - Part II

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******* Zayn's POV *******

I just woke up startled due to a loud thud, like something's breaking. It's probably Cristina sleepily bumping into things. I get out of my room and go to the living room, looking for her.

"Cristina?" I call, but received no answer. 

She must be on her room then. I walk over there and knock a couple times. When she doesn't answer I decide to enter anyway, she won't mind. She does that to me sometimes. 

I start to feel a little unease when I find the bed empty and notice her bag's missing. Where is she? 

I call for her a couple more times before going back into her room. I notice a few papers on the bed. I walk over there and see my name written in one of the letters. I grab it and open. Cristina's handwriting fills the once blank sheet.

"Hey Zayn,

I know I promised I would tell you everything when I woke up, but I can't. Maybe in the future I will, but right now I can only tell you that I have to do this. I have to leave. It will kill me, but I have to do it. 

There's nothing for me here anymore. I'm exhausted, it's too much for me. I'm not happy anymore. I thought I could handle all this madness, but I can't. And it's the best for Harry too. I'm a huge distraction, I've made him skip rehearsals and get late for important things. Besides, no one seems to like me so it makes sense if I just leave. One day, later in life, maybe we can try again, if Harry doesn't find anyone better, which he deserves.

 Sorry for leaving before you woke up, but I couldn't wait and say goodbye, I would change my mind and stay if I looked into your eyes. I almost did it last night.

 Stay true to yourself and don't let anyone try to convince you that you don't deserve what you have. You deserve every single bit of it and more!

 Don't forget to send me my invite for your wedding, I'll be waiting! Tell Perrie I'm sorry for not being there to help her with the wedding planning, like I promised and that I'll miss her so much. 

 Remember the tattoos we were going to do together? I'm gonna do mine, I know we were suppose to do them together, but I want something that reminds me of you and the boys. Maybe you can do yours too and next time we meet we can complete them.

 Please give the other boys the letters and if any of them doesn't want to read it please let them know that I care a lot about them, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for always listening to me without complaining, I'll always remember. I'm gonna miss you, lots!!  Love you Zaynie Vainie <3            

                                                         Love, Pixie. xx"

She already left. She told me the flight was early today, but I thought she would let me at least take her to the airport. 

What I don't understand is why is she talking like we'll never meet again. Just because she ended things with Harry doesn't mean we won't speak again. Even though I've known Harry for longer, she's my friend too and she's important, so I'll make sure to show her that she can't just disappear.

To Pixie *.*

'You sneaky bastard. You can't get rid of me that easily! ;)' 

I send her.

I grab a hold of the rest of the letters and notice there's one for each boy, even for Harry. Well, that's surprising. She could have texted us instead of writing letters. But that's how she is, she always complicates things. I'm not sure if the other boys already know what's happening so I text them all to come to my house 'asap'. It's midday so they're all probably awake by now. 

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