45. It's Like a Date

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Hey Lovies,

I'm sad! I feel like this story it's reaching its final but I don't want it to end, it's like it's part of me now. It may sound stupid, but I know I'm going to miss it when it's over. :( 


It's been three weeks since my confession to Harry and since then we haven't crossed paths nor spoke a word to each other again. During the last week of his treatment I avoided him at all costs. Since Samanta took over the situation, my presence wasn't at all needed which facilitated my 'dodging Harry' plan.

He didn't make any effort to contact me or what so ever, either, so I'm assuming that my confession was a waste of my time, tears, and emotion. Any kind of hopes that I might have had for us, are completely vanished by now. 

Maybe I should stop thinking about this remote possibility of being with Harry again and actually give an opportunity to Tiago. I mean, we've known each other for years now and he was always kind to me and treated me well. Maybe I should give him a chance, maybe I should let him try to make me happy. I know I'll never love him the way I love Harry, but I have this deep care for him, maybe I can morph it into something more, with the time. Maybe.

I'm making a list of reason to why I should accept Tiago's proposition when I hear the tilting noise of keys. I look up to the door and Samanta storms inside all smiley and cheery. 

"C'mon lazy ass, get dressed. We have places to go." She says, clapping her hands simultaneously, making me scrunch my nose at the noise.

"I'm certainly not going anywhere today." I contradict her and turn to look at the TV again.

"I allowed you to whimper around these past weeks, but now it's time to start moving and reacting to things again." She scolds.

"I'm not whimpering around. I just like to stay at home." I shrug.

"Yeah, and I like to spend time with my best friend. So, go!" She commands. 

Taking a deep breath, I start to get up, from the couch, awfully slowly, knowing it will piss her off.

"I know what you're doing." She threatens. 

Chuckling I lift my hands in the air in surrender and walk to my room to get a quick shower and change clothes.

"Where are you dragging me to, anyway?" I shout at her from my room.

"I'm taking you to the mall and then we'll grab dinner somewhere." She informs me. 

OK, no need to dress up then. Putting on some dark skinny jeans and a T-shirt, I'm ready to go. I complete the look with my white converse and my leather jacket. No make-up is needed, and even if it was, I wouldn't put any on because that would take way to much effort and attention from me and that's not something I'm in a mood to do right now.

"I'm not hungry." I tell her while leaving my room, trying to hint to her that I'm not looking forward to walk around the mall until dinner time.

"Good, because I want to go shopping for clothes and not food." She smirks. 

I roll my eyes at her and chuckle.


Three hours have gone by and I'm regretting that I didn't bring my car. Walking our way here didn't seem that unreasonable at the time, but now I'm starting to think that it wasn't the best idea we've ever had. We've been walking around with about seven bags each and my arms are killing me.

"Can we go grab something to eat already? I need to put these down and I can't walk them to my house now." I say, wiggling the bags in my arms to make a statement to her.

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