11. Didn't You Forget Something?

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Hey, Lovies, I'm so sorry about the wait! I struggled a bit to write this, it just didn't want to come out!

I hate this read counting problem! It's just so annoying!

Anyway, enjoy the chapter! :)


Half an hour later, Paul is driving everyone to their respective houses as he's lecturing the boys for what they did. Apparently they had a schedule to obey, so travel to a foreign country without warning anyone about it and not telling anyone where you are did not help to the schedule thing.

"What were you guys thinking!?" Paul yells at them, never pulling his attention away from the street though.

"We weren't." Louis simply states, clearly not that bothered about what Paul is saying.

"Clearly!" Paul says sternly.

"We didn't know we had that many things to do. Lou told us that we had those two days off." Liam tries to excuse them. 

He sends daggers at Louis, obviously mad at him for putting them in that situation.

"I never said that! I said we wouldn't have to do anything. And it was true because we wouldn't be here." Lou argues back.

Louis clearly slyly thought all of this through, because he seems to have an answer to explain everything he did.

"That's true." I murmur hoping that Paul doesn't listen. 

He is someone I really don't want mad at me. He can be really scary when he's mad. His hands are securely wrapped around the steering wheel, his knuckles white.

"That's the same as lying." Angie says, accusing Louis.

"No. Actually, that's omitting." I answer smiling.

"He tricked them." She continues to try to put Louis on the spot, and I can't help the roll of eyes.

"So what? He was trying to help a friend." I spat back, growing a bit annoyed by now.

Angie was about to say something back, but Harry interrupted her by whispering something in her ear, making her giggle way louder than necessary. She looks at me with a smug look before starting to run her hands through Harry's torso and kissing his neck. That sight made me want to puke. 

C'mon, I understand you missed him and all that, but have a little respect towards the rest of the people in the car. No one needs to watch this, it's disgusting. Don't get me wrong I don't mind public demonstrations of affection at all, but for Christ's sake keep it PG rated, I don't need to watch your sex scene resolve in front of me.

Right now, let's put it this way, if I had a favourite people list, she wouldn't be in it, at all. I hate that kind of people, I always did, and now I have to co-live with one. Just perfect.

You're probably asking who Angie is. Well, guess what? She's Harry's girlfriend. 

Yes, you heard it correctly, girlfriend. Surprised? So am I!

******* FLASHBACK ********

"BABE!" I hear some high pitched voice squeal followed by the clicking sound of high heels.

"Oh no!" I hear Liam say.

I didn't get it at first. I mean, I know who all the boys' girlfriends are, so who is this girl? Maybe a fan or something. It would make sense, which would be why Liam looked so uneasy by her presence. They don't want to attract attention to us.

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