50. Hanging Out

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Hello lovies,

I like this chapter so, I really hope you do too :)

Ready for this chapter? ;) 


******* Samanta's POV *******

"Where are we going?" I hear Perrie ask Harry.

"It's a really cool place I like to go when I come here. It has a really cool atmosphere." He answers to her.

"Oh, ok." She says as I sit next to her on the couch and wait for the others to get ready to leave. 


It's been four hours and Harry was actually right, the club is really cool; somewhat calm, yet funky and festive. 

We've been dancing, drinking and partying together all night. It's good, we didn't have a time like this, all together at least, in a long time. There's just one person missing, but I believe that, slowly, we'll go back to the way we were before; no awkward moments or fear of saying something that will make some problems emerge.

I'm kind of seeing everything spinning a little so I go ask Niall to take me back to the hotel. Everyone ends up deciding to leave too. It's been a tiring day, interviews and more interviews and all in different places. I think I could call it chaotic.

We call the cabs and by the time they arrive, the shots I took are taking over my body, leaving me more feisty and uninhibited, so I start getting really touchy and dirty and all giggles, which Niall doesn't seem to be too bothered by, even though we're in public. He tries to hide my actions though, either from the paparazzi and our friends. He knows I would be embarrassed tomorrow if they actually knew what I'm saying to him.

Once in the hotel, I shut my rational side down completely. Finally, we'll have the privacy I want. 

We enter the room and I immediately jump on Niall, making him take a few steps back with the sudden impact. He laughs slightly, but kisses me anyway. I think he was kind of expecting it.

We start walking our way to the bed, never disconnecting from the kiss when we hear a sudden cough. I jump away from Niall, but stay close enough to hide myself behind him from the source of the noise. Niall immediately reaches behind him to make sure I'm there, shielded by his body and I grab a hold onto his shirt.

"Thank god this jet leg thing didn't let me sleep or I would have experienced the most traumatic moment of my life." I hear someone say from further inside the room. 

Am I hearing voices? God, I drank way too much.

"Cristina!?" I ask, completely shocked.

"Surprise!" She squeals, laughing. 

I get away from Niall's shielding body and run to her, hugging her once I get there.

"You came!" I shriek. 

My hands cup her face, making sure she's really here and I'm not hallucinating due to the amount of alcohol I consumed.

"Yeah. Guess I can't stay away from you." She chuckles, looking between me and Niall, that's now sat on the bed, looking at us a smile playing on his lips. 

I hear him laugh on his own and look back at him. I can tell he's laughing to himself, to some inner joke. I'll question him about it later.

"I really thought you wouldn't come." I honestly tell her. 

"You should know by now that I'm kind of unpredictable." She chuckles.

"Sometimes." I correct her.

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