40. Two Days, Right?

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Hey Lovies,

See, I told you I would update fast. :)

It's small but it's better than nothing, right? I'll probably update again tomorrow, so be kind and leave a vote or a comment. Or both, I don't mind ;P xx


****** Louis' POV ******

"Liam!" I shout while entering his house without his permission or acknowledgement.

"What the hell, Louis!" He shouts from the bathroom, I think.

"Get your fat ass out here, fast!" I command, ignoring his protests. 

I bet he's regretting giving me a spare key of his backdoor, but he won't get it back. I need it for times like this.

The water stops and I hear the door open. I turn around and find a half worried, half angry Liam staring at me, brushing his hair with his hand to stop the droplets of water from falling onto  his face.

"What Louis? What's wrong?" He asks while adjusting the towel that's hanging around his hips.

"Get dressed, we have something important to solve." I vaguely command.

"Go!" I shout again, and do a shuing movement, once he doesn't make any effort to move.

"Ok, ok." He says and walks to his room.

I don't exactly invade his property often, so I'm assuming that the fact that he's doing what I'm commanding, with demanding to many explanations first, is because he realizes that it there must be something important.

"Hurry, the others are already there." I inform him, hoping it will make him get ready faster.

"Where?" He asks, walking out of his room pulling a hoodie down his head.

"I'll tell you on our way there." I say while grabbing his arm and practically drag him out of the door. 


"Should I feel offended that I'm only finding about this now?" Liam questions to no one in particular.

"I only found about it this morning too." Niall comments.

"Don't waste your little brains thinking about it. It happened to happen this way." I reason.

"You're extremely nice today, Louis." He sarcastically says.

"Thank you."

"What are we waiting for?" Niall asks.

"There's only one person left. He must be arriving anytime soon." I tell him and look at the clock again. 

He's running late and I'm growing more anxious as the time passes. I can't wait to do this. If I could I would be inside already, yelling at everyone that's responsible and not responsible for this. Everyone will hear it, because I blame everyone and mostly because I'm not certain about who's to blame, so, it's easier to blame everyone and let them accuse each other.

Five minutes later and I'm hyper than ever when I finally spot the black car turning the street corner.

"Finally!" I groan, catching everyone's attention. 

I intently watch the car as it slowly comes to a stop, right in front of us. The door opens and every single one of the boys get excited.

"Uncle Si!" Niall shouts and runs to hug him. He laughs and hugs him back. Both of them start walking up to us.

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