46. Old Jokes.

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Hey lovies,

I'm going to start by apologizing for the time it took me to update. I had so many works to do, it drove me crazy. And I'm going to apologize in advance, because I know that I won't be able to update again until next weekend because of the exams.

I'm really sorry, but bear with me OK? I have something prepared for next chapter that you might like! ;D


******* Cristina's POV *******

"Why the fuck is she here!?" Harry groans. 

Samanta dragged me to one of the boys private appearances, again. She literally dragged me out of my house, it made my neighbors stare. I hope none of them called the police. That would be pretty interesting though.

She's been taking me to every place she knows Harry will be in. I know that, but I believe she doesn't know I know. But even though I always end up leaving earlier, because me and Harry always engage into an argument. I keep going and keep pretending that I wasn't expecting to see Harry there. 

To be honest, Harry's reaction didn't surprise me in the slightest, we've been doing this for about a month now. I'm used to it, even Samanta and the boys are used to it too. They hold on onto the hope that it will happen like the first time and we'll actually hit it off again. To me, well, I seriously doubt it, but who am I to kill their hopes?

"I'm going." I inform everyone, turning around and starting to walk back to the door I just came in from.

"No." Samanta tells me. 

I send her one apologetic smile and start heading to the door. I don't want to be here anyway, so might as well do everyone a favor and leave.

"Go ahead and don't fucking show up, ever again!" Harry shouts. 

I turn around and look at him, to make sure he's listening and watching.

"Fuck off, you asshole." I say and flick him off. 

Turning back around, I keep walking away, decided to walk as fast and far away from that place as I can.

"Bitch." I hear him say when I'm almost at the door and I immediately stop in my tracks. 

Why am I even giving in to his whims? I'm here to support my friends, on a show that I was actually invited to attend. So, if this is how he's going to treat me every time we meet, babe, two can play this game. I'll make sure that I'm going piss him off as much as I fucking can.

"You know what?" I say smirking, while turning around. 

I hear Harry groaning again. The perfect reaction, exactly what I wanted to hear. So predictable.

"Weren't you fucking leaving?" He spats, his eyes glued on my every movement, as I walk back inside.

"I was, but then I got this huge urge to hear you guys sing." I say, exaggerating the words 'huge' and 'urge'. 

I enlarge the smirk playing on my lips, keep my eyes glued to his and sit myself back on the couch,  defying him to say anything else to me. He narrows his eyes at me and I just send him the most fake smile I can manage, knowing that he'll easily tell it's fake.

"Why the fuck do you insist on inviting her to these things?" Harry asks, turning to the guys, clearly frustrated. 

"You need to get over that grudge, man." Louis tells him, while passing by him and patting him in the back.

"I don't want to get over anything. I just want to be left alone." Harry spats, following with a groan.

"It was me who invited her. Not them." Samanta jumps in, trying to avoid bad blood between the band.

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