35. That Voice

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I just noticed that this story has 500+ votes!! So cool!! Thank you, so SO much!! :D xx

The song on the side is a Portuguese singer, it kind of fits the story if you imagine it on Cristina's side. Listen to it, it's quite good.


******* Cristina's POV *******

(Eighteen months later, January 2018)

I stare outside the window and appreciate the beautiful day that today is. It's sunny, the sky is a clean, beautiful shade of light blue, the birds are cheeping and the street is full with people wandering around, just enjoying the sun.

I look back at the lady, who's hands I'm treating and smile down at her.

"Are we ok?" I sweetly ask.

"Yes, you can continue." She assures me. 

She's a regular patient, so she already knows my methods and how this works. I nod and continue massaging her hands, to help her articulations.

"It's beautiful outside." The sweet old lady comments. 

She's one of my favorite patients. She's always sweet and happy and cheery. It's really nice to watch.

"It is. It's been killing me not to go outside." I chuckle.

"You should go, then." She encourages me.

"I have two more hours of work. Unfortunately." I sigh.

"You're the boss, just go for it." She playfully commands, making me laugh.

"I'll think about it." I smile at her and give one last squeeze to her hands. 

"We're done here. Now you just have to do the paraffin and you're free to go." I tell her. 

I help her into the gloves and leave her at the table to let the hands rest. I walk to my office, greeting a few patients that I would cross paths with on my way there. Once in my office I sit myself on the chair and stare out of the window again. I don't know why but something is pulling me outside today. I never felt this huge urge to get outside before, it's really weird.

My parents helped me open a physiotherapy clinic and I'm proud to say that it is well known and successful. Which I'm happy for, because it was a risky move from me and it could have went really bad. Even though I own it, I still work. It's one less paycheck at the end of the month and I really enjoy doing it. I'm really good at it, people like my work at least.

Samanta is doing an internship but I've been talking her into come working with me, she's really good too and it would be cool to have her by my side, helping me administer the clinic. Besides, I kind of miss having my best friend by my side. It's been years since we had a proper meet-up.

Her and Niall are going stronger than ever. She finally agreed on going public, - about four months ago - and he was more than happy to show his princess to the world. He really is head over heels for her. I just hope their relationship doesn't have the same fate as mine, now that their known. They already had their amount of problems.

Samanta being her insecure self when it comes to relationships, she gave poor Niall a hard time. From time to time he would have to chase her because she would get insecure about all of it and would end things with him, even though she still loved him. She was scared of the intensity of her feelings for him. Luckily he's this carefree guy and really patient, meaning he accepted going at her own speed and refused to give up on her. She told me that she finally decided to accept going public because he always finds a way back to her and to make her stay, there's no use of trying to run anymore.

Zayn and Perrie are still engaged but not married yet. They decided to wait a few years, there's no need to marry that young. They're engaged, they showed everyone and each other that they're serious about their relation, so, they just going to enjoy it has they have it and whenever things calm down, they'll make it official. I have the feeling it's soon to come. I just feel it.

Angelo got together with a girl and they're really happy. I'm happy for him. Remember that girl he talked about when we were in Paris? That's her. It took them a while but they actually hit it off and eventually got together. She's a really nice girl, I like her a lot. She takes mine and Angelo's relationship lightly and doesn't seem to be bothered by it, which I'm really thankful for. It would be awkward and would leave me really pissed at her if she was the reason why I lost that close friendship with Angelo.

Liam and Danielle, they got engaged two years ago. And I know that Dani has almost everything planned for the wedding, so they may even marry before Zayn and Perrie. Louis and Eleanor, are still going strong too. I have the feeling he's going to pop the question anytime soon. And I would really love to be there to see it because coming from Louis I bet it will be something out of the ordinary and something to remember.

And Harry. Well, I think he got himself a stable girlfriend or something. I'm not sure. I don't like her that much though. I'm not sure if it's jealousy or if she really doesn't inspire me reliance. But I'm going to go with she's not a really nice person. But if Harry likes her, she must have something good in her. Maybe.

I'm really happy they're all happy. That's everything I can wish for them. How do I know all of this? Well, since I told the whole story to Samanta, we can talk about the boys without the problem of spilling things that shouldn't be told. So, she updates me on them; tells me how they're doing and all that. It's makes me feel as if I'm still part of their lives.

I walk out of my office and go peek at the waiting room. There's only three people waiting. I greet them and walk back to my office to get my coat. Even though it's sunny, it's still cold. It's winter after all. I go to my main employee and inform her that I'm leaving earlier today. She agrees and assures me she'll lock the clinic when she leaves. I thank her and walk out of the door saying goodbye to the waiting people.

I walk for a while, with no destiny and find myself at an unfamiliar park twenty minutes later. I find my way to a fountain and seat myself on a park bench, facing it. I get my sketchbook out of my bag and start doodling and humming some songs. I don't have my phone on nor any music going. I'm enjoying the park noises but as I always have some song playing inside my head, I can entertain myself.

I'm sitting there, enjoying the sun hitting my face, when I hear faint voices talking behind me. I don't pay much attention to it though, it's pretty common to find teenagers playing in the park, and taking in that this is the first proper sunny day in about three weeks of grey skies and rain, it's pretty normal that people decide to leave their houses and come enjoy the warmness while it lasts.

I hear the people behind me kicking and puffing with the running. They're probably playing football. If they hit me with the ball I'm going to kick their asses and pierce their ball.

"Look out!" I hear someone shout and I freeze.



If you guys are up for a double update all you have to do is get this chapter to 15+ votes or 5 comments and you'll get the next chapter quickly. :) xx

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