36. Don't Even Try.

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Even though we didn't reach the target, here it is; the new chapter, for those of you that tried. Thank you. :)

It's nice to see new faces voting and commenting, by the way. Yes, I notice this kind of stuff. ;)

Enjoy :) x


"Look out!" I hear someone shout and I freeze. 

Not by fear, but because of the voice. I could distinguish this voice anywhere in the world, without a problem or a single doubt. This voice belongs to someone I don't hear from, in years. Someone I miss dearly. Someone I shouldn't talk to.

A ball flies inches from my head, nearly hitting me. It makes my hair fly with the proximity, leaving it all disheveled.

"I'm really sor- Cristina?" He says. 

Shit! I get up and start running as fast as I can, trying to avoid further contact.

Did I tell you I'm at Hyde Park in London? No? I forgot, sorry.

I moved here four months after my graduation and I don't regret it a single bit. I've always wanted to live here and I've been loving every single minute of it. Of course I miss the warm weather of Portugal. London's weather can be really rough, but I feel at home here, too. I managed to move as far as I could from the boys place's, to avoid at all cost any kind contact or meetings that the proximity could provide. And it worked just fine, until today.

I try to outrun him but fail miserably, because in a matter of seconds, I'm being pinned down to the ground by him. The unexpected contact with the floor makes me groan.

"What the fuck!" I shout at him.

"Sorry, love. But you were trying to escape." He apologizes but a small smirk is playing on his lips. 

He's clearly enjoying this.

"There was no need to tackle me to the floor though." I retort, not even trying to deny the fact that I was indeed trying to run from him. 

I try to push him out of me but it only makes him hold on tighter. Immaturity at its highest. 

"It was the first thing I think of." He shrugs.

"Are you two enjoying the grass?" Zayn chuckles when he reaches us. 

I look up at him and playfully show him my middle finger.

"That's quite a sight, actually." He continues. 

I bet it is. Me holding onto my stomach that's pounding due to the rough, sudden contact with the ground and Louis holding on onto my legs to stop me from escaping again.

I then notice something that makes me panic. Zayn's holding my sketchbook and he's actually going through it. 

"That's mine." I state, trying not to sound interested. 

His eyes dart up from the book to me and he smirks.

"Give it back." I get up from the floor and jump on him, trying to retrieve it. 

His height doesn't help me at all. He's holding my book in his stretched arm, right above his head, making it impossible for me to take it back.

"Nice doodles." He compliments with a hint of amusement in his voice, while changing the page. I look up and my eyes widen at the page he stopped at. 

No, No, No! 

"Interesting." Louis says, startling me. 

He's right behind me now, not on the floor anymore.

"Are you going to tells us or do we have to rip it from you?" Zayn asks, chuckling. 

"That's an old book." 


"It has last month date." Zayn states and I face palm myself for putting the date on it.

"So?" Louis pushes. 

What do I do? Should I tell them? It's been over three years now. 

"I really have to go." I say, and start to walk away, leaving my sketchbook with them. 

They already saw the worst part so they can keep it. I'll have Samanta sneaking it back to me.

"No, no, no! We haven't seen you in years. Don't you think we deserve at least a couple hours of your time?" Louis asks. 

Both of them walking by my side now. I stop and stare at them, a fight occurring in my mind over the fact that if I should or not spend time with them. I know I shouldn't, but I really want to.

"I really shouldn't." My heart's talking louder than my reasonable brain.

Maybe I can hang out with them today, no one will ever find out.

"And why's that?"

"It's complicated." I vaguely answer,looking down.

"Make it easy then." They say, simultaneously. 

"If I could, I would have done it a long time ago." I say and Louis stares intently at me, clearly thinking about something. 

That brain of his seems to be always working on something.

"C'mon Cristina. Just a hour." Zayn haggles, staring at me with pleading eyes. 

I sigh and give in. I'm going to regret this so much, but I'll deal with it later. I really missed them. I start walking again and they follow me.

"Nice hair." He comments. 

"Thanks." I smile at him.

"Why blonde though?" He questions.

"I don't know. It's more professional than pink, I guess." I shrug and he chuckles, not seeming slightly surprised that I would actually considerate dye my hair pink.

"I like your older hair better." Louis comments.

Once we get to the park gate, I tell them I can't go with them right away because I have things to do before, which is a lie. I just don't want to be seen with them. The less people know that I met them again, the better, or this can go really bad, for everyone.

They try to follow me but I eventually manage to make them leave by giving them my address and number, and agreeing on meeting them there in a hour.

"Wait," I shout at them, making them stop and turn around immediately.

"Can you please not tell anyone we met again?" I plead, looking them both in the eyes.

"Why wouldn't we?" Louis asks, one eyebrow up.

"Please just keep it between us for a while." I plead again.

"Why?" Now is Zayn asking. 

I forgot how nosy these boys can be.

"The less people know, higher are the chances that we can keep meeting up." I tell them and they look at me suspiciously. 

I send them my best pleading eyes and they finally agree to it. I can feel that a lot is still to come and for some reason I'm excited about it.


One step closer to Carry. Yeyy! :D 

Let me know about your thoughts, don't be shy. :) xx

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