47. A Different Perspective

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Hello Lovies,

Some of you will love this chapter.

So, let's engage into a THROWBACK, shall we? ;) x


******** Eleanor'sPOV********

"Babe, I don't know what else to do. They don't seem to give in." Louis groans while sitting on the couch next to me. He wraps one arm around me and pulls me closer to his side. I happily let myself go, kissing his cheek and snuggling up on his chest.

"They're both very stubborn." I state the obvious.

"I know and it's driving me crazy not being able to do anything else to help them." He confesses, exhaling loudly.

"They just need time and maybe a little help from us. But they can't feel like they are obliged to do it, you know? The more you try to force it, the less they'll give in. It will happen naturally. Trust me." I explain to him my opinion.

I keep caressing his neck, on the spot that I've come to know as his relaxing spot, trying to soothe his frustration.

I know how he's feeling. We all feel the same. Seeing two of our friends that really love each other, but aren't together, nor happy, because they're being stupidly stubborn, is really frustrating.

"What if it doesn't?" He voices his doubts, looking up at the ceiling. 

Louis is the one who's being more affected by their situation. He hates to see his best friend unhappy and in a bad place, besides, his big heart would let him be indifferent - he has to help everyone around him, no matter what the problem is. That's just how he is.

"Remember, I was right the first time." I smile at him and he kisses my nose, murmuring an 'I hope so'.

******** Harry's POV********

We finished yet another physiotherapy session. Apparently I'm almost recovered. According to Cristina, I just need a few more sessions as my arm extends to its fullest already. Those extra sessions are just to make sure that my arm's flexibility stays like this without causing anymore problems in the future.

I'm slightly pissed that I can't train as intensely as I used to yet, because my arm won't take it and it can end up resenting itself if I push it too far, which means I would go back to aquare one.

Just my luck, uh? I'm not allowed to do the only thing that keeps me sane and somewhat calm.

I sit up straight on the bed, fix my hair and start rolling my sleeve down, getting ready to get out of this freaking suffocating room. John will pay for making me take the treatment here.

Cristina gets up from her chair and walks to the closet, to storage the everything she used for my treatment. I stare at her, taking in her appearance. 

She didn't change much in these years; I believe she grew a little taller, not much though, she still has a considerable height difference comparing to me. She's thinner, something I would yell at her for because she clearly hasn't been eating properly - partially losing the curves I loved so much in her. But the drastic change is her hair. It's always straight now - where are her lovely waves and curls? - and she's freaking blonde. The blonde looks good on her, but her brown hair will always be my favorite.

"Why did you do it?" I blurt out suddenly, while pulling my hoodie down my head. 

These are the first proper words I direct to her since I found out she's been living in London. As much as I tried and wanted too, I couldn't get myself to address her.

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