16. Why?

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So sorry about the wait! I know I said I would upload last week but I had to study for my exams that started this Monday. I thought I would have some free time between them, but ended up not having any. 

But here's the next chapter, hope you enjoy! :) x


"Cristie," He calls, pulling me out of my thoughts. 

Looking up at him, I stare right into his eyes

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He hopefully looks at me. 

What? Shock was clear on my face. I didn't see that coming. At all!

"Harry" I whisper, still trying to settle this in my mind.

"Please say yes." He interrupts me, forecasting what I was going to say. 

I stared at him for a couple more minutes, not sure how I could say this to him. The look he was giving me was so soft that it made my heart melt. Why did he have to be so cute and make things so hard?

"I... I really care about you." I say, caressing his right cheek. 

He closes his eyes appreciating my touch. 

"And I'm pretty sure you know what my feelings for you are. I mean, everyone knows and they hunted me with it since day one." I chuckle lightly. 

Harry kept his eyes closed without any reaction. I think he knows where I'm going with this.


"No buts, please." He begs while holding my hand that was on his face and kissing the palm. 

I look around a bit panicked. What if someone's watching? Luckily, the only people here were old, so they were just ignoring us. 

"Why does there always have to be a 'but'?" He complains, shaking his head.

"I can't, not right now." I finish my phrase.

"Why?" He looks up at me, sadness written all over his face. 

What I want the most is to be his girlfriend, but I just can't do it right now.

"You just got out of a relationship. If I accept dating you right now, I'll always doubt if you actually like me enough to date me or if I'm just a rebound." I tell him my insecurities.

"You'll never be a rebound. Never!" He said and waited for me to say something, when I didn't say anything he continued.

"And you wanna know why I'm so sure of this?" He asks and I nod.

"Because you're the main reason I broke up with her." He squeezes my hand.

"Still, in a week you'll probably realize that I'm not what you thought I was, decide she was better and I'll be left with a broken heart." I look down.

"I can assure you I won't. I know you better than I ever knew her and you know more about me than she ever did." He says, putting his forefinger under my chin, lifting it so I was looking at him.

"You chose her over me though." I say and his eyes turn to the floor showing his repentance.

"I did that because I wanted to give it a chance. Because I thought that if I started dating her in the first place it meant I actually liked her. But I was wrong, because I'm not the same person I was when I left and whatever I saw in her back then, it's not my type anymore. You are." He explains. My heart skipped a beat when he said the last bit. I was his type. 

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