6. Bittersweet

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First of all a MASSIVE HAPPY BIRTHDAY to HARRY!! :DD the little boy it's not little anymore!

I just realized that writing something like this is massively hard, I really want to congratulate all the people that wrote those amazing works, I now understand it's not easy at all!

And you all have my respect!

This is more like a filler chapter, but the next one will be better I think :) 

Hope you enjoy it! xx



******Cristina's POV*****

It's been a week since my parents caught me and Harry sleeping on the couch. I expected them to be angry and kick him out or at least yell at us not to do it anymore -you know, that protective parent thing. But no, they just took a picture of the scene, said and I quote 'You two look really cute together', laughed and walked away. If it was one of my friends, it would be World War III, but with a stranger it's completely fine.

It surely makes lots of sense. No doubt. Note the sarcasm.

What possibly made them so comfortable around Harry? I don't understand! They saw how much of a jerk he is when they first met him, but still, here they are, letting him live with us, and sleeping with their daughter. I would seriously like to know what the fuck happened!

After that little occurrence, mine and Harry's relationship kind of became bittersweet - more bitter than sweet, may I add. Our fights became a lot worse; we would fight over everything, even the smallest things, that were no reason to even start a discussion, were enough for us to fight, and then, in random moments, we could just sit and talk as if we were really good friends. Those moments were really rare though.

*******FLASHBACK *******

"How is your head?" I ask Harry, breaking the awkward silence that had fallen between us after my parents left.

"Hum? Oh yeah. It's fine, just a bit sore." He says, showing me a little smile.

"I'm glad to hear." I sincerely smile.

"Yeah, I know you are!" Harry answers a bit rudely, throwing me of guard a little.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" I ask, one eyebrow raised.

"It means that if anything bad had happened to me you would have been devastated." He smirks.


"Of course I would," I exclaim and Harry looks at me surprised -"Because I wasn't the one who caused it!" I scoff.

"Yeah right. Don't lie to yourself, you know you want me!" Harry states as he takes a step forward in my direction, getting a bit too close for my liking.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not one of those blond bimbos you're used to deal with." I say, with a smirk of my own.

I take a step back, but it doesn't really help because Harry takes a step forward, getting even closer to me than he was before.

What the fuck is he doing?

"I can see that. You're a lot better than any girl I've ever been with," He says with a wink.

Ok... I know what he's trying to do and two can play this game.

"Really?" I ask, smiling as sweet as I can manage to.

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