27. I Can't.

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OH MY GOD guys, "Story Of My Life" is so beautiful!! I LOVE it! *.* 

Have you seen it yet? You have too!

******* Harry's POV *******

 (One month later. May)

I texted, I called, I emailed, but nothing works. She doesn't answers my texts nor emails. Her phone goes straight to voice-mail and I can't even reach her house phone. I tried to talk to her on twitter or Facebook, but I can't find them anymore. It's like she never existed, everything I could do to reach her is not working. '

I told the boys about this and Liam found out the fans were saying that her twitter has been deleted. How they know these things, I have no idea, but it comes in handy sometimes. 

If it wasn't for Samanta, I would think I went crazy and imagined Cristina and everything that happened between us. I've been wanting to go to Portugal and hopefully find her at her house, but me and the boys have been extremely busy. This weekend is the first lay off we have and I'm using it to fly to Portugal and try the last thing I can do to try to talk to her. 


Five more minutes and I'm at Cristina's door. 'Everytime We Touch' by Cascada starts playing. Oh, the irony. That's the song she used to sing to me, saying that was exactly how she felt about me. 

Did she ever love me anyway? She was probably lying this whole time. She was just using me for my fame, like everyone was saying. No. No, she wasn't. I don't believe that. She lost her virginity with me, for fuck sake! Maybe she faked it. No, I could feel her anxious and I could tell she had no experience in that matter. Or maybe it was staged to make it look like that.

"Fuck!" I shout, punching the wheel.

I lose control of the car momentarily before getting it back. Will she be there? Will she talk to me? Will she even want to look at me? I shouldn't have come. I should have just stayed still in my corner and forget about her. Who the hell am I trying to fool? I can't let her go. She's constantly in my mind and hunting my dreams. 

My attention goes back fully to reality when I notice I'm in front of her house. Taking a deep breath I get out of the car, ring the bell and wait. I expected it to be like last time, Cristina's mum opening the door and me begging her to help me with her daughter, but it wasn't.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Angelo angrily asks me. 

His face twists in anger the minute he sees me.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask him the exact same question, emphasizing the 'you'. 

"It's none of your business." He spats narrowing his eyes at me.

"Is Cristina here?" I ask, ignoring his attitude. 

There's no point on keeping the glare battle. It won't help in anything.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He spits. 

He's pissing me off now.

"Cristina!" I call, opening the gate and entering.

"Get the fuck out." He commands, taking a step in my direction.

"I'm here to talk to someone who actually lives here." I spat, now standing right in front of him.

"I don't give a fuck about what you're doing here. You're leaving." He says. Getting even closer to my face.

"Make me." I dare. 

I notice something twisting in his eyes and his fist connects with my left cheek. Fuck, I never thought he would actually have the guts to hit me. I recompose myself immediately, entering into fight mode. 

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