9. I'm Sorry!

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 Hey lovies!!! :D

What do you think about the new cover? Should I keep it?

Buy the single "One Way or Another"!!! And if you're from the UK, text "YES" to 70005, you have to help those little kids!! They need you! :)


One hour and forty five minutes later, here I am entering the airport to get the boys. I walk to the information board and see that the flight had arrived five minutes ago. 

Ok, I'm a bit late, but I doubt they're out already; my father always takes a lot of time to get out of there, because of the waiting for the luggage and all that.

I sit myself on the waiting chairs and start going through my phone just to see a few texts from Harry. This kid is too curious for his own sake.

From SexyBomb Hazzaboo ;) Don't judge me; it was Harry who saved it like this! He's weird.

'Are you mad at me because I fell asleep last night? I'm sorry, it won't happen again! :('

To SexyBomb Hazzaboo ;)

'Ahah, no Harry I'm not mad! I'll explain when I get home, I promise! :)'

After answering Harry, I went to Twitter. I scrolled a bit until I heard a few laughs followed by British accents. Taking my eyes away from my phone, I see four guys with beanies and sunglasses. I wasn't sure if it was them or not until Louis' forearm bird tattoo come to my sight. I get up and start walking in their direction, their heads are moving around, showing that they are searching for who I suppose to be me.

Me and Louis agreed on me wearing a blue t-shirt so it would be easier for him to recognize me. I get behind him, a few meters still separating us.

"Hey there, chubby cheeks!" I say, making him turn around.

"Cakes?" He asks. 

I nod and smile brightly. Louis walks to me and involves me into a bone crashing hug, catching me by surprise. 

"Finally I have a face to match with your lovely voice!" He grins.

I hug him back, and start laughing. When he finally lets go of me, I mentally thank god that I have big lungs or else I would have suffocated. I greet the other boys and give each of them a quick hug.

"I think we should head to the car, people are starting to stare." I say. 

The boys came without anyone knowing; therefore they don't have any bodyguards with them, which means if they got recognized no one would be here to help. That's an experience I really don't want to live!

I start walking towards the exit gate with the boys hot on my heels. Once we get inside the car they take the beanies off right away. It wasn't exactly beanie season, it's summer after all.

Louis is at the front with me, because he's the only one I properly know, while the other three sit in the back. Me and Louis start talking right away forgetting about the other boys, who just stared at us, completely surprised.

"How, exactly, do you guys know each other?" Liam asks, interrupting mine and Louis conversation about flying pigs. Don't ask me, I have no idea how it started!

"Oh, you know, Lou is just a fan of me." I say, sounding super casual as if it was the most natural thing to say.

"Hum, I think you mean you're his fan?" Liam corrects nicely. My English has its flaws so he probably thinks I got it wrong. 

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