19. Where Is She? - Part I

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 Hello Lovies!

«I've been thinking, should I make a sequel of this book, our continue writing in here?» 

I've been wondering this for a while now. Give me your opinion! :D xx


******** Cristina's POV ********

Angelo and I were directing ourselves to his car so we could leave the airport. I'd called him back in London after the argument I had with Harry. I didn't want to tell him what happened by phone so I just asked him if I could stay with him and he was more than happy with it, which put me in a better mood, knowing someone actually enjoys my company.

"Thanks for letting me stay with you." I say while hugging him, catching him by surprise.

"It's no problem. Besides I was missing you." He says, while tickling my left side. 

I regret telling him my most ticklish spots.

"Stop it." I plead, trying to dodge him. 

He had me trapped for a while, making me laugh like crazy whilst gaining some disapproving looks from the people at the airport, but we just ignored it. We don't know anyone anyway and with him I don't have to be afraid that I might be in the papers the next day. Everything it so much simple.

"I missed you too." I tell him once I finally manage to make him stop.

Remembering I promised Samanta I would inform her whenever I landed, I decided to take a picture and send it to her. Angelo asked some random lady that was passing by to take it for us. I put my hands around his neck while he puts his around my waist and I kiss his cheek. 

The lady hands us the phone back and it came out pretty awesome actually. Angelo's doing his typical silly face while I'm on my tiptoes so I can reach his cheek properly. Guys nowadays are way too tall. I need to buy a ladder to keep up with them.

To Sammy <3

'Look who I bumped into at the airport!' 

Attached I sent the picture that the lady took of us. I didn't call because I knew she would see it right away. That girl has such a light sleep; I will never understand how she can wake up just from the vibration of her phone. 


 ******* Harry's POV *******

I'm at Cristina's house trying to find the courage to ring the bell. I really hope Angelo's not there or I'll lose it completely. I need to apologize not to be faced with that asshole. 

I can't get that picture out of my head. My angel in someone else's arms and it's all my fault. I'm so fucking stupid. She could be with me right now. We could be cuddling on the couch or something, but no. We had to argue about something that should be dead and buried and eventually fucking turn things around and just be plain stupid to each other.

When a sudden rush of courage passes through me I ring the damn bell and wait a couple of seconds that seem like fucking hours. My heart stops beating when I see the door moving, the anxiety and the nerves all attacking me at once. All of them are replaced with disappointment when the door reveals the person who was opening it.

Fuck my life!


"Sorry Harry, I would love to help you right now, but I can't. I promised Cristina I wouldn't tell anyone where she is." Cristina's mum says and I groan.

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