30. It's All My Fault

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******* Cristina's POV ********

(April 2015)

I have a week off from University so I've decided to go back to my parents. It's been months since I last saw them properly. I miss them, I miss my house, I miss my room, I miss my bed, I just miss it all. 

I arrived yesterday, late at night, so my parents didn't hear me come inside, they probably will freak out when I show up for lunch in a few hours. I should probably text my mum saying I'm here. Nah, I want to prank them! It will be funny or I'll give one of them a heart attack. 

I sit up on the bed, grab my laptop and go on twitter, just to find out that the main topic is Harry, again. Not in a good way though. It's been months since they last put him under the spot lights for a good reason. I click on a link that sends me to an article with the title:

"One fifth of One Direction, Harry Styles was spotted leaving the pub completely mortal, again."

I hate this, I really do! I'm pretty sure this is all my fault. 

He wasn't like this when I first met him. He was bad, yes, but not this bad. And after I met him he was actually a completely different person. He changed, for the better. No, he didn't change! He went back to the genuine and happy person he really his and now that person is slowly vanishing again and the person to blame is me and only me for not fighting hard for mine and Harry's happiness.

In the middle of all of this I just hope that when it comes to the boys he hadn't done what he did before and distanced himself from them. He needs them. 

It's been killing me not to know, but I can't find the courage nor strength to ask Samanta about it. I'm pretty sure about the answer and I don't think I'll be able to handle it if I hear it out loud. Besides, I'm more than sure she won't go easy on me with it. 

She's my best friend, but she believes that if I feel guilty enough I'll go back to Harry, but to be honest, I don't even think he would accept me back even if I begged him to. It's been a year since I left and I didn't made any kind of contact with him, or any of the boys for the matter. He probably hates me with everything he has and I can't judge him if that's true, because I did it to myself, it's my fault. I'm a coward and I'm very aware of it.

Knowing that I won't have the courage to call Samanta to talk about it, I decide to call someone that I know will sugar it a bit for me, so I won't feel bad and blame myself even more. I'll take it that way, even though I know it's not the complete truth, I need to talk to someone about it. I just need to confirm my assumptions. 

I get my phone and dial the number that I'm only allowed to use in case of emergencies. This isn't exactly an emergency but I don't really care.

"Hey Paul." I greet when he answers.

"Hello, hum... Steph." He says. 


"Steph?" I ask him and hear someone shout on the other side. He's not alone.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. What about you?" He continues with his, one person, conversation.

Ok... I'm going to assume he's with the boys.

"They're there aren't they?" I ask, just to be sure.


"How are they?" I finally ask.

"They're good. Busy with the tour." He says after a few seconds. 

It's a lot more quiet now. I guess he walked to another room.

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