7. Revelations

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Hey lovies, here's another chapter!

Two chapters in two days. Ahaha, guess I'm in a good mood ;) 

If you're missing the other boys, don't worry, they got a bit stuck in the traffic but they're almost here! XD

Anyway, thank you for reading, really hope you're enjoying it!! :D xx


From Louis

':OO Really??'

To Louis

'Of course I want to kiss him! With my fist, right in the eye! ;D'

From Louis

'Harsh :p'

To Louis

'Only the truth ;)'

I get up from the bed, due to a sudden need for chocolate and head to the kitchen to get some.

As I walk past Harry's room I can't help but take a glimpse. Surprisingly the door is closed. I guess he finally learned.

I reach the kitchen door which, to my surprise, is open. I guess my mum forgot to close it tonight. I shrug it off and walk in, not even bothering to turn the light switch on. I don't need it, it's my house after all, I've lived here my whole life, so I know this house like the palm of my hand.

I direct myself to the fridge. My mum likes to keep the chocolates in there during the summer, she says that that way, they won't melt.

I open the fridge and search for a while, until I find my favorite one. White chocolate.


I get my head out of the fridge, close the door and turn around. As I take a step to walk back to my room I immediately bump into something.

The fuck?! Where did I turn to?

I look up from my hands to see what I bumped with and it happens that it's not an 'it', it's a 'him'.

"Sorry," I whisper and try to walk past him, but Harry grabs me by the waist and softly pulls me against the nearest wall.

"Hmm... Harry, what are you doing?" I question.

He doesn't answer, instead he just closes the gap between our bodies, being the only space left a few inches between our noses. I fight worthlessly to get out of his embrace.

What the heck it's going on!? Is he drunk or something? He must be! I don't smell alcohol though. He's probably sleepwalking.

"Harry, let go of me!" I loudly whisper, my hands reaching his chest trying to push him away.

Harry lets go of my waist and, for a moment, I think that he's going to let me go, but he grabs my hands in his and lifts them on top of my head. That's when I decide to finally look at him.

The moonlight that's peeking through the window is enough for me to see his features. His lips are half parted and his eyes semi-closed, staring intensely at my own.

I can't help but get caught in the moment. He looks stunning!

Suddenly, he slowly starts leaning in closing the last gap between us, and for some reason, that I'll never understand, I close my eyes, actually wanting it to happen.

Why am I letting this happen?

'Cristina, just open your eyes. Now!' I silently command myself.

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