18. A Bunch Of Misunderstandings.

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Hey Lovies!

Carry it is then, even though it may be confused with carrying something but I like this one better.

I still don't understand how management didn't find a better way to keep songs from being leaked yet. It happened so many times!! The song is on the side if you didn't hear it yet! :)

Anyway, hope you like it! :) x


"Wha- What is this?" I ask Eleanor, still staring at the picture. 

My eyes start watering and I let El's phone fall on the bed as I lose all my strength. Samanta quickly catches it and looks at it.

"I'm gonna kill that little piece of shit!" She says through gritted teeth, while involving me into a tight hug.

"Cristina, it may just be a misunderstanding. You know how media is." Eleanor tries to find an excuse for what we just saw.

"The problem isn't whatever is written there. It really is what's in the picture." I state with a little fury.

"Pictures can be easily misread." Eleanor tries to reason. 

I know that. I believe that. A picture doesn't prove anything, it can be easily miss interpreted and it depends on how you show it or how it's taken. But that's not the only problem here.

"I know that. The thing is, he lied to me." I confess and they all stare at me. 

"I asked him if he found someone he knew there and he denied it. He didn't mention she was there. He could have easily mentioned her and I wouldn't be caught by surprise right now."

"Maybe he didn't mention her because he didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable."

"He, lying to me, made me uncomfortable. If he felt the need to lie, how can I believe that this picture doesn't means nothing?" " I state. 

I wipe the streaming tears off my cheeks with my hands, grab Eleanor's phone and get up. I'm going to confront Harry about that picture. I don't care if everybody is in here. I need to talk about this and if I don't do it right now it will be a lot worse because I'll be picking on Harry about every little thing he does. 

I start walking to the living room, where I see all the boys happily chatting away. When Harry notices my presence, he smiles widely, like he usually does, but I just keep a blank expression. His face shows me he understood something is wrong, so he gets up and starts walking to me. When he tries to hug me, I hold my free hand up stopping him from doing so. 

"What's wrong?" He questions, tilting his head slightly to the side.

"We need to talk." I simply say. 

Turning my back to him, I start walking to our room. Harry understands the hint and follows me, hot on my heels. The girls are all outside now, the look on Perrie and Danielle's faces showing me they already know what was happening too.

"You sure you want to do this right now?" Perrie asks, concerned, but I just nod.

"Just go to the boys and have fun, I just need to talk to Harry." I force a smile. 

They all nod and start walking to the living room to join the others. I think the boys noticed something was up, because I hear whispering coming from there. 

Shrugging it off I enter the room and sit myself on the bed, leaving Harry to close the door. I just stare at the ground for a couple minutes, not exactly sure of how to say what I have to say. Harry sits next to me and tries to grab my hand, but I pull it away from his grasp.

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