31. What Are The Odds?

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******* Cristina's POV *******

(August 2015)

My summer vacations are finally here. Something I've been looking forward for a long time now. Me, Angelo and our other six friends decided to do a trip. We were sick of staying in Portugal every year so we decided that this year we would do something different. After a long discussion, we ended up in Spain because, well France would bring too many memories, London was certainly out of the list for obvious reasons so Spain was the choice. 

Two weeks of sun, tanning and be whoever we want to be because no one knows us. Well, kind of. People still remember me and Harry, but it's settling down now, it doesn't happen that regularly, and thank god. So I should be fine.

The plane ride was two hours of laughing and being shushed by the other travelers which only made us laugh more. We were lucky to be miles up in the air or we would have been kicked out of the airplane.

Once in Spain, we got inside the bus that drove us to our hotel. It's was a one hour long ride, so all the boys slept through it and ended up with their faces drawn. Earning them laughs from the other passengers when we were leaving the bus. That's what they get for staying up all night when they have a flight to catch at six O'clock in the morning. 

We checked-in into the hotel, left our luggage in the rooms and went to the beach. The boys had their faces cleaned by then. It was really funny, but now I have to be more careful because I know for sure they're going to get their revenge. They slept all day only waking from time to time to jump into the water due to the extreme hotness or when I was bored and needed some company.

On the third day we all had a huge hangover but I didn't feel like staying in the hotel doing nothing so I managed to drag João and Luís - two of my friends - with me. We ended up playing mini-golf in a pretty cool place with an upside down house an a small river throughout the court, and then, at around seven O'clock in the evening, we ended up in a bar. 

What better way to cure a hungover than to drink again? At least that's what I use to hear. We ended up drunk and lost until midnight when we finally spotted our hotel. Then we went out with the others again.


It's our sixth day here and it seems like we've been living here since we were little, we know almost everything. I'm loving it here, it's always sunny. I can go out only wearing a tank top and shorts late at night and I'll probably still be sweating. That's how hot the weather is here. I managed to get a tan now, I'm finally not pale anymore, even though compared to the others I'm still too white.

Yesterday we saw the weirdest person ever; it was an old lady, extremely skinny, completely wrinkled but with huge boobs - I'm pretty sure they're fake -, we couldn't stop laughing. It was quite a sight. Tonight, we decided to go clubbing but try not to get that much drunk. I seriously doubt it will happen, but it's the intention that counts, right?


It's two O'clock in the morning, we've been in this club for three hours now, and I'm regretting wearing heels. The music is amazing and I feel like dancing today, so I've been struggling a little to do so because I'm quite tipsy now. Our hotel is not to far, so I'm pretty sure I'll manage to get one of my friends to get me my converses. The perks of being the only girl of the group.

Suddenly, Tiago - another of my friends - puts an arm around my shoulder and starts dancing with me and I get a strong feeling that tightens my chest. The exact same feeling I used to get whenever I was near Harry. 

Why am I feeling this? It doesn't make sense. This can't be because of Tiago. I know him for years now and I've never felt this away around him before. It's probably the alcohol. I step away from him, giving the excuse that I want another drink and the feeling returns. 

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