61. I Did It Once, I'll Do It Twice.

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******* Cristina's POV *******

I'm currently having an inner battle. I don't know if I want to keep contact with these boys anymore.

Earlier today, the police came to my room to take my statement. I wasn't much help though because I don't remember anything, but they still had to do it anyway. Until this morning I had no idea of what had happened to me and finding out that it was because of my relationship with One Direction did weigh much, negatively, on my choice to stay here. I really don't want this to happen again. 

One thing that I really don't understand is, why me? I mean, I'm just a friend. Why didn't they do it to one of the girlfriends instead? It would make a lot more sense and probably be more successful to whatever they intended to get from this. At least in my head, but I don't know much about this world, so I may be wrong.

Harry was already here when the police arrived so he got the hard job of telling me the whole story. It all seems to be taken out of a movie, but the look on Harry's face while telling me, clearly showed that this was no movie; it's real life and it bothers him a lot.

After telling me, he left. I believe he noticed that I needed time to let it all sink in.

He didn't come back yet though and I'm starting to get really bored of being alone. I'm stuck in this bed and I don't even know where my phone is, therefore I can't call anyone or entertain myself with games. That's how lucky I am.

Half hour later and I'm still trying to decide what I'm going to do with my life after I'm out of this bed. I don't think I can decide anything just yet though. The most rational thing to do would be going back to Portugal with my mother, since those are my last memories and being related to this boys only brings trouble, but whenever I think about leaving, something in me twists. I don't know what life I had here, but I can tell that I loved it.

"Can I come in?" I hear Harry's voice ask after lightly knock on the door.

I turn my head to the source of the voice and smile.

"Sure, I was feeling a bit lonely." I confess. 

He sends me a small dimpled smile as he walks further inside the room and sits down on the couch near my bed, in silence.

"You know, this never happened before." He says after a while, catching my attention. 

I turn my head to him, silently telling him to elaborate. 

"This," He says, motioning to my body with his hand.

"There's a first time for everything." I simply state.

"Well, this is a first time that I wish that had never happened. I'm really sorry that this happened to you." He apologises. 

I look into his eyes and all I can see is pure sincerity and a bit of guilt.

"If the story you told me is true, it's not your fault. There's nothing you could have done to prevent it." I assure him and reach out for his hand that's lying loosely on my bed. 

I give it a squeeze and he smiles gently, before shaking his head.

"It was. I could have been there or I could have gotten you a bodyguard. I just wish you had told me." He says the last bit in a whisper, talking more to himself that to me.

"You couldn't be with me all the time, you had your own things to do and well, if I didn't tell you I must have had a good reason." I try to sooth his guilt, by reasoning with him.

"Still, I should have known. I should have done something. Anything." He keeps blaming himself, his eyes glued on the floor.

"Stop torturing yourself. We're just friends; you had no major obligations towards me." I say and he winces at my words. I shrug it off and continue. -"I bet you did everything you could with the informations you had."

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