Unceasing Stares

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Lay down, you're fine. Don't worry ok? It's-"

"DO YOU EVEN HEAR YOURSELF. IM 17 YEARS OLD IM STILL A CHILD I CAN'T DO THIS OH MY GOD OHMYGO-" I slapped a hand of Kaori's mouth to which she reluctantly quieted down. 

We shared silence on her apartment couch. I sort of awkwardly sat there as I gave her time to process everything. I knew shit like this happened in the movies, but I never thought I would be experiencing it like this. 

"Thank you, (Y/n). I mean, really. I think I'm good now..." Kaori wiped her runny mascara with her sleeve and stood up. "I think I'm in for some sleep. It's almost your curfew too, so you might wanna get back to school and explain."

"Jesus, I forgot about that. Are you sure you're good? Are you ok here by yourself?" Kaori nodded and ushered me to the door. "Kaori, you promise? PINKY promise?" 

The girl and I hooked pinkies before I took my leave. She sent me a tired smile as she closed the door, leaving me in the hall of her apartment. I stayed there for a moment, unable to move. I could hear her on the other side. She was crying, but I knew I couldn't do anything to make it better. 


3rd Person POV

"And you deciphered this information how?" Sero deadpanned as the girl's relayed their newfound information. 

"WHO DID IT. WHICH ONE OF YOU TOOK THE INNOCENCE OF OUR PRECIOUS YAG-" Asui slapped Mineta unconscious before he could spew another horny word. 

In the midst of their bickering, the door opened revealing Yagi on the other side. She tilted her head a bit, wondering what all had happened since she was gone. Usually, the common room was empty by now as Iida always took pleasure in ordering his classmates to bed. 

Upon hearing her name, (Y/n) stepped further into the common room, breaking the wave of yelling. 

"Do enlighten me on why my name is suddenly being brought up in your fits," Yagi set down her bag, leaning against the back of one of the couches. 

The students shared worried looks as Mina stepped forward cautiously as she held her hand behind her back much to Yagi's disapproval. With only a small movement, Yagi had the pregnancy test in her hand. With a heavy sigh, Yagi straightened her posture and gathered everyone's attention. 

"Although I would love to know how you all found this test and what strange explanations you came up with it, I am not with child," Yagi promptly threw away the test and waltzed to the hallway, leaving the class more confused than before. 

By the time she arrived at her dorm, her phone was blowing up with messages checking up on her and her well-being. They were sweet and appreciated, of course, but they were simply unnecessary. Needless to say, her phone was left on do not disturb for the remainder of the night. 

Instead of indulging in the homework that overflowed upon her desk, (Y/n) opened a case file labeled "Shie Hassaikai." Yes, it was somewhat illegal that she had stolen it from the police office, but at least in her dorm it would not be collecting dust. 

No matter if Sir Nighteye would allow her to go on the mission or not, Yagi was determined to catch this creep and put him and his men to justice. In her own mind, it was better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission. 

Not a lot was known about the gang. Overhaul was estimated to be about 22 years old and possibly a father. The little girl flashed in (Y/n)'s mind once more causing her to shudder. In what world was she able to let a frail girl like that suffer? 

For weeks, it continued, the shuddering. The child's eyes always stared back. In dreams, in reflections, even in other's: Yagi was unable to escape them. The mission date was set back to May 16th, nearing the end of the second semester. By then, Yagi was determined to follow in the team's footsteps, even if it meant breaking code. 

As long as Yagi saved the girl, the shaking would stop. (Y/n) could stare and the eyes would not follow. The young girl would cease her haunting, and Yagi would be normal once again. To save this frail child meant to save (Y/n) herself. This girl was a reflection of herself, one that Yagi refused to let stare back any longer. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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