declarations of war, bitch!

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|Edited| - (8/3/19)

chapter 22:
declarations of war, bitch!

Your POV

Today was the sports festival and I was beyond ready. Today was the day I could finally prove myself to the world. I was not just a brain dead Nomu, nor was I just All Might's daughter.

In the two weeks we were given to train, I was able to control some quirks, but they all needed a lot of work.

I woke up that morning, the ceiling closer to my face than it was the night before. I noticed I'd begun to float due to Uraraka's quirk activating randomly in the middle of the night.

"Shit, I need to call Izuku."

I swim through the air, making me way to my phone. I dial his number, praying that he'd answer.

"Hello?" His voice asked through the phone. M

"Hey, I really need your help. Uraraka's quirk activated in the middle of the night, and now I'm floating and can't get down."

"Haha, I'll be there soon. Hang tight," Izuku said, laughing at his own little joke.

I rolled my eyes, pushing off the ceiling, somehow managing to get dressed.

I made my way downstairs, seeing Dad had already left. I grabbed an apple, waiting for Izuku to come by. I heard a knock at the front door. I floated over, opening it to see Izuku.

"Hey! So how are we getting you to school?" He asked and I shrugged.

He looked around, seeing a rope by Dad's tools. He looked to me as I deadpanned, reluctantly nodding. Izuku helped me down, tying the rope around my waist. As soon as he let go, I floated back up, almost hitting the ceiling.

"Today's gonna fucking suck."

"You'll be alright, (Y/n)! Let's get going!" Izuku said, making me sweatdrop as we pass by a mirror and I see our reflection. 

"We look insane," I said as we walked down the into the lobby, earning many looks from people.

"I think you mean you do."


"Don't forget the one who's keeping you from floating away into abyss."

"Whatever. Keep walking, buddy."

We make our way to UA. Uraraka slowly fades into my view.

"Uraraka!" I called as she turned around, suddenly clenching her stomach in a fit of laughter. I hate at her as she smiles up at me.

"So you've got mine?" She asked, still giggling.

"Unfortunately, yes. I woke up floating and it's been like this all morning. How do you usually stop it?" I asked as Izuku walked through the classroom door, and I follow behind him.....or float.

I caught Sparky and Kirishima in the corner of my eye, stifling laughter with raised eyebrows.

"Shut up. I can't control it," I said, glaring at them.

I felt myself gain back the center of gravity as I fell perfectly into my chair.

"Thank goodness I'm back to normal," I said, sighing.

"Today's the sports festival, right?" Sparky asked as the class nodded. 

"I wonder what events will happen this year," Izuku said, handing it to me the end of the rope he held onto.

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