please stop this...

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|Edited| - (8/5/19)

chapter 26:
please stop this...

No one's POV

"Battle Start!" Present Mic screamed into his microphone.

Todoroki wasted no time in shooting his ice at Midoriya. Midoriya unexpectedly shattered it in seconds, breaking his finger in the process.

"What is he doing?" Yagi asked, walking closer to the edge.

Todoroki sent ice Midoriya's way, but Midoriya did the same thing as before, leaving another finger broken.

"I told him to be careful. Not hurt himself," Yagi said, worry overflowing in her.

Her best friend had promised to be careful, to not get too badly hurt, but there he was, destroying himself for the sake of winning.

Midoriya continued this cycle. Whenever ice was sent towards him, he'd power up a single finger, breaking it in mere seconds. Yagi could feel herself breaking just looking at gory scene below. She wanted to cry, to burst into tears. She so desperately wanted to drag him away before he could hurt himself even more. The class looked at her. They'd never seen her like this: afraid, worried, and scared.

"Yagi, are you okay?" Uraraka questioned.

"He's beating himself up. I really hate seeing him like that," Yagi replied, not looking away from the field.

"It's yours! Your quirk not his!" Izuku screamed at Todoroki.

Suddenly, flames bursted in all directions. Todoroki's whole left side was enveloped in flames as both boys powered up. They prepared for the one last punch. The punch that would decide the winner of the match. 

The two looked at each other, clear determination shined in their eyes, both for different reasons, as they ran at top speed towards each other. Their fists reeled back. They kept moving, ignoring the cement walls forming between them, trying to stop the fight from getting worse.

The crowd held their breath as their fists collided. 

A huge explosion blew everyone's hair back, sending smoke and dirt everywhere. As the smoke cleared, everyone looked down at the field. Yagi's breath hitched at the sight before her. Her words were caught in her throat, not daring to speak.

"The winner is Shoto Todoroki from class 1A!!" Present Mic yelled and the crowd went wild.

"Im...I'm gonna go," Yagi said before exiting the stands and running towards Recovery Girl.

"Granny Chiyo!!" Yagi yelled, entering the hospital room.

"Dearie, he'll be fine. I promise", Granny Chiyo says kindly, but sternly.

"Can I stay here? My match isn't for another couple of fights," Yagi said and Granny Chiyo smiled gently.

"Yes, of course, sweetie. Make sure to get me when he's up, you know where I am,"Granny Chiyo replied and Yagi nods.

Granny Chiyo left the room, leaving Midoriya and Yagi alone. Yagi rubbed Midoriya's hand affectionately.

"Why did you do this to yourself?" Yagi asked.

"Because, I had to prove something," Izuku said, his mouth dry and hoarse.

"Idiot..." Yagi trailed off.

"Ah, boy. You're awake," Recovery Girl said, sitting in her swivel chair. All Might came through the door.

"Midoriya, my boy!" All Might said, rushing over to the hospital bed, ignoring the presence of his daughter.

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