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|Edited| - (6/29/20)

chapter 13:

Your POV

As Izuku took his assigned seat, and I sat in my next to him. Sparky, the boy who assumed I was the secret love child of Aizawa, came up to my desk, bending down to my seated level.

"What's up, Sparky?" I asked, slightly annoyed that my headache was back.

"Hey?! Sparky?- ugh nevermind. I was just wondering why you never like giggle or maybe actually give a fuck or two?" Sparky asked.

Jeez. Why does everyone care so much?

I thought to myself before finally answering.

"I just don't see a point in showing emotion if there isn't anything to giggle, or give a fuck or two
about," I said as he looked just as confused as he was before.

"But I thought girls just laughed and blushed all the time," He said.

Okay that was sexist.

I heard Izuku snicker from beside me as he wrote in his hero notebook.

"Why are you laughing?" Sparky asked, by this time the whole class had chimed into our little interaction.

"It's just funny that you think (Y/n) does that stuff. I've just known her so long it's hard to think like that anymore," Izuku said while rubbing the back of his neck, looking to the side.

"Are you two related or-?" Sparky asked, but I cut him off.

"We've been best friends since we were kids," I said.

"Oh and Yagi?" a guy with spikey read hair asked.

"Hm?" I questioned.

"How did you get the scar? It reminds me of Todoroki almost (who was sitting next to me). Y'know both on the left side of your face," He said comparing me and Todoroki.

The dual-haired boy and I just looked at each other and shrugged.

Damn, he looks familiar.

"How did you get it?" the same red haired boy asked.

I looked at Kacchan as he glared daggers at me, and I looked over to Izuku who just mouthed 'make something up.'

"It was from a bad accident when I was little," I said, glancing at Kacchan as he scoffed and turned around.

"Well what was the accident?" Red-head asked.

By now, I was getting a little pissed from the whole nudging into my privacy thing.

"It was an explosion," I started, taking a deep breath. "I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"Wait! An explosion? Don't tell me, it was you!" Red said, pointing a blaming finger at Kacchan.

"So? What if it was? Tch," Kacchan said, clicking his tongue in annoyance.

"So unmanly!" Red said, clenching his heart. "Why did you do it?"

Izuku answered, knowing he wouldn't tell the truth.

"It was when we were four, he was aiming for me, but (Y/n) took the hit," Izuku said, looking at the ground.

"Jeez, I didn't know he would go that fa-," Red started but was cut off by a certain dumbass.

"HEEEYYYYYYYY TAKE YOUR SEATS!!!!!! WE'RE ABOUT TO START ENGLISH!!!!!" Uncle Mic screamed, but for once I was grateful. It saved me from all the attention and the prying.


I woke up to chairs squeaking and a finger poking my face. I slapped the hand, getting up.

"(Y/n)! What the heck?" Izuku shrieked, holding onto his hand.

"Sorry, but you're the one who kept poking my face nonstop. I'd already woke up to chairs squeaking. By the way, where are we going?" I asked.

"Lunch," He said, glaring at me.

We strolled into the hallway and walked to the cafeteria, using the signs on the walls as guides. Once we stepped foot inside the cafeteria, we were overwhelmed by the strong scent of food. Somewhere in the crowd of people and tables, I saw a familiar girl waving to us.

"Hey! Wanna sit with us?!" Ochaco asked, waving at us while Iida did the same. I nodded my head and got some rice with Izuku while we sat down to eat.

"What class do we have next?" I asked anyone who was listening.

"Heroics!" Izuku, Iida, and Uraraka said happily.

I groaned, already know who would be teaching that class.

"I AM HERRREEE!!!!! COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!!!!" Dad exclaimed as he slammed his fist on my desk.

While everyone was shocked, I just slowly pushed his fist off. Soon, people started blabbering about how excited they were that Dad was teaching.

I just looked at him with a bored look while he patted my head and walked to the podium at the front of the classroom.


"Fight training!" Kacchan said, grinning widely.

"Real combat?!" Izuku sure did sound scared.

"ONE OF THE KEYS TO BEING A GOOD HERO IS TO LOOK GOOD!!!!!! HERO COSTUMES!!! NOW GO CHANGE!!!!!!!! MEET ME AT TRAINING GROUND BETA!" Dad Might said, throwing his hands in the air, just to be extra.

"Costumes!!! ALRIGHT!" The class cheered and we all get up to go to the changing rooms.


As I walked in to the changing room and started to change, all the girls looked at me in disbelief.

"W-what?" I asked, all of a sudden getting very self conscious.

"H-hey where did you get all those scars? I've only ever seen the one on your face. Are you already a pro hero or something? I mean how else could you get all those scars?" Pinky asked as all the girls nodded.

A nervous stream of sweat trickled down my forehead as I shifted my eyes and swallowed hard.

"Oh, uh, I just train hard, I guess," I said, sweating through the thick lie.

"Oh! That's cool!" They all said in unison. I could tell they were still suspicious.

"I suppose," I said as I put my costume on.

"You look a lot like Aizawa Sensei," Tsu said as the girls looked at my costume which consisted of a black sweatshirt, black leggings, black and white nike shoes, and the scarf Uncle Aizawa gave to me on my 13th birthday. (pretty generic, but I didn't have much time to design it).

"Yea, I guess so. I've known him for a while, not on a personal level or anything, I guess I just picked it up," I said, sweating with nervous "smile."

Did I say too much?

I thought, waking out of the locker room and headed to the field.


chapter 13:
word count: 1103

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