mentions of the next symbol of peace

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|Edited| - (10/30/19)

chapter 41:
mentions of the next symbol of peace

Your POV

The next couple of days, I was left to rot—or "rest" in the hospital. Many students came by, saying "hello" and "feel better." Today I was finally released from the hospital that had been the source of my boredom for the last couple of days.

"You are released now! Be careful, especially with your arms and legs. Also, don't open your stitches in your back, alright?" the doctor asked and I nodded my head.

"Yes sir, thank you again," I said as he nodded, leaving the room.

I sighed, relief flooding over me as i realized everything did turn out alright. Sadly, that wasn't true for my father.

His retirement was a shock to all, even me. I never thought it would happen so quickly, and in such a short amount of time. I couldn't help but feel that it was partly my reckless fault.

"Well, let's get ready to go," I asked to myself, beginning to pack up my things.

I changed from the thin, scratchy hospital gown, packing the many gifts into a bag, and slipping on my shoes. Sighing in content, I grabbed my things and walked out of the room.

On my way out, I popped in my earbuds, blasting music in my ears. I walked down to the lobby, signing out, and walking out into the city.

Today, Dad and Uncle Aizawa invited me to ask the class's parent's permission to move into dorms at UA. Of course, I agreed.

I kept a normal face on, but inside I still questioned.

What if I can't be a hero? Maybe I should've thought about the consequences more?

I thought to myself as I walked to the apartment complex.

As of arriving, I walked to the elevator and to my apartment door. Slipping in the key, I unlock the solid door and walked in.

A nice homey feeling washed over me as I walked in, closing the door behind me. I looked around at the apartment that I missed so much. I recognized the pile of ashes on the ground.

"I guess he wasn't here much then," I assumed and grabbed a broom and dust pan, sweeping up the remainder of the ashes.

I set my stuff down in my room and checked the time. 11:30.

For once I actually might be early.

I grabbed a hoodie, slipping it on. I walked out the door, locking it behind me. I walked back to the elevator, back down to the lobby, and returned outside. I went to the subway and hopped on, checking my phone and the news as I rode with the crowd of people.

Millions of news titles had either mine or my father's name on it.

"All Might retires! What will happen next?!"

"All Might announces retirement to the world!"

"How will the world cope with All Might's sudden retirement?"

"All Might "true form" revealed!"

I scoff, roilling my eyes at the many ridiculous news titles.

"Damn media, always assuming. Can't they just keep their damn mouths shut for once in their lives?" I asked myself, shaking my head.

I felt the subway brake, announcing my stop. I hopped off, walking up to the great big gates of UA. Taking a deep, long breath, I tried my best to calm my racing heart.

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