the lucky brat bounces back

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|Edited| - (8/3/19)

chapter 25:
the lucky brat bounces back

No one's POV

"Ok, everyone, come and draw lots to see who you will be up against," Midnight said.

"Where's Yagi? Isn't she gonna miss it?" Kirishima asked.

"Nope I'm right here," Yagi said. "I turned invisible again, didn't I?" Kirishima nodded

"Sorry about that," Yagi said.

"Well, you're back now, so that's what counts!"
Kirishima cheered as Yagi looked at her hand, confirming she'd returned to her original form.

"Let's go pick lots!" Mina said excitedly.

"Now, you have the option of playing or sitting out and saving your stamina," Midnight said and Ojiro raised his hand.

"I'm going to withdraw," Ojiro said.

"Why?!" Mina said and he looked away sadly.

"I don't remember anything from the Calvary battle until the very end. I think it has something to do with that guy's quirk," Ojiro explained.

"Just think about this for a second," Izuku said.

"I have. My conscience won't let me. I'm not competing if I don't even know how I got here," Ojiro said.

"Stop over thinking so much about this! Just go into the next round and kick ass! Show 'em why you're here!" Hagakure said and Yagi shook her head.

"It's your pride isn't it?" Yagi said and Ojiro nodded his head.

"How did you know?" He asked and Yagi lowered her voice to whisper.

"Trust me. It took a lot of people to get me here. I didn't even want to do this damn Sports Festival for silly reasons, so I know where you're coming from," Yagi said and Ojiro widened his eyes. "If he doesn't want to do it, than I wouldn't make him. I think his pride has been hurt enough for one day."

"Thank you," Ojiro said and Yagi nodded her head.

"Don't worry. That guy's gonna get something from me, and he isn't gonna like it," Yagi said, cracking her neck and knuckles.

"Um, I gonna withdraw too... for the same reason," A boy yelled to Midnight.

"This is very naive of you, boys! It sure turns me on!" Midnight said, making Yagi facepalm.

"What the fuck, Midnight?" Yagi asked and Midnight smirked.

"Now, Testutestu and Shiazaki have advanced to the final round! Here are your opponents!" Midnight said.

"Yes," Yagi pumped her fist.

"She got Shinso!" Izuku said.

"Now I can finally beat this guy up," Yagi said.

"Now for the side games!" Present Mic cheered along with the students.

"Aren't you coming Yagi?" Mina and Kirishima asked.

"No, I still need to figure some plan against this guy's quirk. I think it's mind control, so that means I could blindly just jump into it get mind controlled and lose immediately. Not to mention, I also need to figure what quirks are best fit for a battle like this," Yagi explained as the students nodded and walked away.

"No wonder her IQ's so high. It's like she thought of everything," Mina said and Kirishima nodded .

"I hope she does well," Izuku said nervously.

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