the usj

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chapter 16:
the usj

No one's POV

"Hey, Midoriya have you seen Yagi? She might be late if she doesn't get here soon," Iida said out of concern.

"Oh! I actually haven't seen her today. Lemme call her," Midoriya said, reaching into his back pocket to pull out his phone.

"Put her on speaker phone. Maybe she'll reveal something!" Mina said and Midoriya laughed.

Little did the boy know, Mina subconsciously suspected a blooming romance between Yagi and Midoriya.

"I doubt it, but she's always had a rather...sour mouth. Wait till you hear this," Midoriya said, grinning devilishly.

He called Yagi, putting her on speaker phone. Everyone's eyes and ears perked up when they heard the ringing.

"What?" Yagi answered sleepily.

"Hey, (y/n)! Did you happen to look at your alarm clock this morning?" Midoriya said, stifling a laugh.

"No why-"


There was a long silence until the inner you came out. The one only Midoriya and a select few other people knew about.

Everyone was pretty shocked to say the least while Midoriya was cracking up.

"Shit shit shit shit. Shiiiiiiiiiit. Izuku why didn't you fucking call me sooner?! Fuck, fuck, fuck!! Aizawa's going to actually kill me!! Should I jump through the window?! What do I eat?!? He's gonna leave me here!!!! What time is it?!

"Holy shit! I have one minute to get to UA—Motherfucker!—I hate tables so goddamn much! Go fuck yourself! Will you do my hair when I get there?! Oh no! Is Aizawa there?!!" Yagi screamed in the phone.

"Yes, Yagi. I'm here. You have thirty seconds to get here or I'm leaving you," Aizawa grinned.

"Izuku motherfucking Midoriya, why am I on speaker phone?!—Nevermind I don't care anymore! The class was gonna hear me cuss either way! Shit. Ok I'm running through the street! Aizawa, if I get run over I'm suing your ass!—Ok I'm at UA and I didn't get runover! Move it, Monoma!! I'm not dealing with you today, you piece of shit!" Some students were surprised by Yagi's true character, while others somehow suspected it.

Yagi's out of breath voice could be heard screaming into the phone. They could hear her footsteps as she came running down the hall.

"I'm here!" Yagi said busting through the door.

She was out of breath and her hair was a mess.

"C'mere, I'll fix it," Midoriya said and braiding Yagi's hair as she slumped in her seat.

The young girl sighed and tried to bang her head on the desk, but Midoriya put his hand under her forehead before she got hurt. 

"Shouldn't we get going now?" Midoriya asked.

"Yes, go put your costumes on. Be aware that you're not used to them, so they could possibly slow you down," Aizawa stated, getting up.

"Yessir!" Everyone said and went to the changing rooms.

the girl's locker room:

Your POV

『 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗲 』𝗶𝘇𝘂𝗸𝘂 𝗺𝗶𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘆𝗮 Where stories live. Discover now