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|Edited| - (6/24/20)

Chapter 4:

Your POV

"If you didn't run into that fight, I wouldn't have been so inspired to do the same and destroy the villain!" Dad said, posing proudly.

"What?! No, I didn't do anything," Midoriya said as he bashfully looked at the ground.

"There are many stories of heroes, and how they became great. Most of them have one thing in common. Their legs moved before they could think almost on their own. And today that's what happened to you," Dad said.

Midoriya started crying as he gripped his uniform shirt where his heart was. His dream was slowly coming true, and his idol was telling him exactly what he needed to hear.

Woohoo! Go, Dad. One point to you.

I said in my head, looking down at my happy-crying best friend. I looked up to meet my father's eyes. My expression said more than words ever could. I urged him to say it—to say what we both had been thinking.

"Young man, you too can become a hero."

There it is.

"Damn," I whispered to myself as my eyes trailed down.

The ground became an interesting topic to me as the world went quiet and I zoned out.

My father's words: You too can become a hero.

I wanted to hear it as well. I wanted to have that reassurance, yet deep in my heart I knew I never could. No matter how hard I tried, I would never live up to my father.

In the world's eyes I was a freak of nature, a failure, and I wouldn't be surprised if my father felt the same.

"Someone gave you this quirk? No way," Midoriya spoke up next to me as he cocked his head in confusion.

"Yes way! And you're next! I can give you my
abilities!" Dad said dramatically.

I was lost in my thoughts again as the two talked. Dad was explaining his quirk to Izuku.

That could only mean one thing...

Is Dad going to give it to him?

As that question popped into my head, I felt my heart sink.

Would he really....?

"Wait a sec. This is a lot to process! It's true there's a lot of debate to what your quirk is. Nobody's actually figured it out. It's one of the worlds greatest mysteries. People are constantly talking about it online......" Midoriya's muttering became a blur as I stared at the ground.

"I'm I think you really over thinking this inheriting thing kid!—WILL YOU STOP NERDING OUT?!"  Dad yelled and he finally stopped muttering.

"You'll have to adjust your reality and accept this new truth! I can transfer my quirk to someone else! And that's just on facet of my abilities. The true name of my power is 'One for All.'" Dad said.

"One for all," Midoriya repeated slowly to himself, staring at Dad Might in awe.

Dad started explaining his quirk to Midoriya. I've already heard him explain his quirk about a billion times. I reluctantly began listening to Dad again.

"YES! One person improves the power and hands it off to another! It continues to grow as it's passed along! It is this cultivated power that allows me to save those who need a hero. The truth behind my strength," Dad explained.

"But why would you choose me to give that power too? What if I can't live up to it?" Midoriya asked.

My breath hitched.

"I was on a long hunt for a worthy successor. And then I watched you run into action as the I stood idly by. You might be a quirkless fanboy. But you tried to save that boy. You acted like a true hero," Dad said and Midoriya started crying again.

My stomach churned.

"Really, you gotta stop crying all the time if you want my quirk! Come on, kid!"

Midoriya stood up and looked up at my father.

"Yes I'll do it!" He said confidently.

My walls began to shatter.

"No reluctance. Just how I figured you'd respond," Dad said.

I blindly stared at the back of Midoriya's curly head. As he turned around with a great smile, I tried my best to make my own as convincing as possible. There was something in my chest that burned. It almost felt like heartburn, but this was different. It erupted up my throat as I desperately tried to swallow it back down.

Midoriya thanked my father as I stood silently, a fake, half-assed smile dancing on my lips. Why did I feel this way? What was wrong with me?

Now I know exactly what I felt.

It was jealously.


Chapter 4:
Word count: 780

『 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗲 』𝗶𝘇𝘂𝗸𝘂 𝗺𝗶𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘆𝗮 Where stories live. Discover now