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|Edited| - (11/3/19)

chapter 56:

Your POV

Damn, why the hell would he think Izuku would mock Dad? Izuku's practically his number one fan.

I sucked my teeth and turned my attention the my shoes, tuning out Izuku and Sir's conversation. Mirio walked over to Bubble Girl, releasing her from the "Tickle Hell."

"Uh, Knightwalker, we need you in conference room B," a part time agent popped his head in the door.

I turned my head to Sir, silently asking Sir permission to slip out. (He's the only person I'll actually ask for consent.)

He reluctantly nodded his head as did I. I followed the agent to the conference room. It was completely empty besides the chief of police.

Why is he here?

I sat down across from Chief. His ears perked up as I squinted my eyes in his direction. I knew something was up when I saw him. He always called people if he needed to tell them something, not host a full on meeting. Something shady was going on here, and I didn't like it.

"Overhaul," Chief opened the meeting with just one word, and it instantly made shivers go down my spine.

I swallowed loudly, clenching my teeth subtly as Chief went on about the villain.

"Some rumors have been stirring up about him ever since the training camp—even as far back as the USJ incident. I've gained knowledge that you've dealt with him the past, yes?"

"Um, yes. That is correct," I said, clearing my throat. I could tell Chief was sensing my uneasiness.

"Would you be willing to investigate this case? With your provisional license and detective badge, you'll have access to any crime scene that revolves around it, so there's no need to worry," he said reassuringly.

"That's not what I was worried about," I said. "I'm more worried about the villain himself. I fought him sometime ago and it wasn't pretty. Even if I was for just a small moment, he left his mark on me. I had a feeling it was his way of saying 'watch yourself.' I left the case alone, not in fear of being punished for sticking my nose in unauthorized business, but in fear of the villain himself. He was powerful then, and I'm almost certain that he's just as, or even more, powerful now."

"Do you know his quirk at all? Can we ever compete with him?" Chief's face turned from curious to worried in the blink of an eye.

"I don't know all of it, but I do know that it has something to do with rearranging. Whatever he touches, he can rearrange or even destroy. I may be wrong, but that's all the information I have on the bird bastard."

"Thank you, (Y/n). Please think about applying for this mission. You will have to keep it a secret from everyone but us, but your help will be greatly appreciated."

"One question before I go.....why me? I'm quirkless, wouldn't my disadvantages hold the mission down?"

"(Y/n), you aced the practical exam and earned your police badge all while being quirkless. You've got the determination and strength to be a hero. Not to mention, that brain of yours will definitely come in handy in dealing with the League of Villains. I know for a fact that you're capable of handling yourself. All you need is some confidence in yourself and your abilities."

And with that, the Chief stood up with me, taking my hand in his, shaking it firmly.

"I'll be awaiting your confirmation, detective-or shall I say-Knightwalker."

I shook his hand with the same force as I exited the room.

Mirio and Bubble Girl were standing outside of Sir's office. Bangs and shouting were heard on the other side of the door.

"What the fuck is happening in there?" I asked the lemonhead.

"You know Sir, he's just pulling another one of his schemes. He's trying to see how worthy Midoriya is," Mirio said, smiling bashfully.

"Let's just hope he comes out out alive."

"So, what was the meeting about?" Bubble girl asked as the three of us made our way down the hallway.

Panic started to flood my senses as I tried to think of a reply.

"Nothing serious, just.....unsolved cases," I gulped down a pool of nervousness, praying the lapis girl would buy it.

"Wouldn't he just call you for that?" I could hear the suspicion in the lapis colored girl's voice.

"Um, well, you know Chief. He really is an oddball."

Luckily she bought it. She turned to Mirio as they started their own coversation. I just looked at my feet, lost in thought as my feet stepped one in front of the other.


He was still out there, lurking in the safety of the shadows.

He could possibly be working with the league too.

Should I really get caught up in this, or should I just idly stand by and let the higher ups deal with this mess?

If I let him go now, will it be my fault if he accomplishes his "mission?"

I bit my lip in worry as my thoughts blurred together in a series of worried gibberish.

People could be in danger.

It would all be my fault.

Dad....I might let him down.

Expectations from everyone.

Even if I tried, I could crack under pressure.




My fault.

"(Y/N)!!" Mirio's loud voice broke me out of my stressed thoughts.

"Are you sure you're alright?" asked Bubble Girl.

I cleared my throat, releasing my lip from in between my teeth.

"I'm alright, just....tired I guess," I said nodding.

"Well, alright. I don't exactly buy it, but I guess I'll let it slide. Anyways..." Bubble Girl continued her conversation with Mirio.

I continued my own conversation with myself. Haunting thoughts looked over my mind that I just could shake off.

If I take this mission, I could be putting the life of myself and others at steak.

Should I really take that risk?

Is this man really worth it?


My phone vibrated, signaling I got a text.

It was from Chief.

As read his message, my heart felt as though it stopped beating, and I felt numb, like I couldn't feel anything.

"(Y/n)? Is everything okay?"

I sprinted back to Sir's office building as quickly as I could, leaving the others behind me alone and confused.

Chief: We've just got word in that this Overhaul guy may be connected to your mother. Of course, it's just a rumor, but I thought it was best that you know. If you have any questions, please stop by and I'll try to answer as many as I can.


chapter 56:
word count: 1128

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