misunderstanding: discovery of the test

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chapter 61:
misunderstanding: discovery of the test

Your POV

What the hell is his problem?? Letting me off the mission like that...Does Sir assume I'm not capable of handling myself?

I could barely walk straight due to an overwhelming amount of anger and confusion that stirred inside of me. It wasn't like I had asked to be quirkless. On top of that, I have brains too! What was Sir trying to prove?

I sighed to myself, rolling my eyes as the rain continued to pour viciously. Stepping into the doors, I walked to my room, ignoring the students who lingered in the common area. I just simply wanted a bath.

Closing the elevator doors, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I tilted my head, wondering who would be calling me.



"Kaori, slow down. What's wrong? Are you hurt?" I asked, concerned.

The girl kept silent for a moment until she finally took a breath and spoke.

"I think I'm pregnant."


"Did you wear protection?? Who's the father?? ARE YOU ACTUALLY PREGNANT??"

"(Y/n), (Y/n), calm down you're gonna end up giving me a heart attack," Kaori put her hand on her chest as she sighed, her eyes casting down to the floor.

I sat next to the brunette as she sunk into my bed, shoving a pillow over her face.

"Kaori," I spoke up, removing the pillow from my friend's face. "You know I've got your back, ok?"

Tears began to well up in the teen's eyes as she hugged me. I froze, reluctantly hugging back. I rocked her back and forth as her sons soaked my shoulder.

"Do you have a test?" I spoke quietly, in fear that if I addressed her too firmly she might break.

Kaori nodded and pointed towards her bag. I stood up, going over to her purse. I searched until I found the box. With a cup of water, I handed Kaori the test and gestured her to the bathroom.

"Welcome to my humble abode," I joked in attempt to lighten her spirits.

A small smile appeared on her face as she walked into the bathroom, sitting on the counter.

She looked exhausted.

Mascara dirtied underneath her eyes as she seemed to lack the usual sparkle in them. Frankly, she was a mess, but who could blame her?

"I'm so stupid..." she trailed off, her head hung low.

I rubbed her back soothingly, "Sometimes I admit that you are an idiot, but you're definitely not stupid," Kaori's head perked up as she listened for my next words. "You're Kaori, for god's sake. Everything happens for a reason, so why should this be any different? Whatever happens, happens, Kaori. It's as simple as that."

"Yeah, bu-"

"No buts. I'll be here for support, always. Now, I'm gonna ruin this special moment and give you some privacy so you can do your thing," I said, closing the bathroom door.

A sigh left my mouth as I sat on my bed, my hand planted against my forehead. Honestly, I did worry for Kaori. I couldn't imagine what things were going through her head right now.

"And I was pissed about getting dropped from a dumbass mission. Grow up, (Y/n)," I scolded myself, returning to the door to knock.

Before my knuckles reached the door, it swung open.


The girl said nothing, but instead she held the test up to my face. A small gasp was exhaled as I took in the results.

The lines stood parallel to one another.


No one's POV

"Boys, have you seen Yagi anywhere? I feel like I haven't seen her all day..." Mina whined as the girls trailed behind her.

"She went to bed early. She wasn't super talkative, so I doubt she's fit for company," Iida replied as Mina's shoulders slouched.

"But girl talk..." Mina's head fell as Yaoyarozu rubbed her back.

"Let's go check on her to see how she is. Maybe she'll be in the mood for a sleepover?" Yaoyarozu smiled at the pinkette as Mina's ears perked.

The 1-A girls rushed up to Yagi's room, Mina basically bouncing off the walls in excitement.

"I hope she's okay...She's been so busy lately," Uraraka commented as Tsuyu nodded in agreement.

As the girls approached Yagi's room the noticed the door was left open just a tad. They shared confused looks as Jiro walked up to the door, knocking on it softly.

"Yagi?" she called out, slightly opening the door.

The light from the hallway peeked into the otherwise pitch black room. Jiro stepped in, shortly followed suit by the rest of the girls. They flipped on the light as they searched for their friend.

Mina noticed the bathroom light was on, but the door was left cracked open. She cocked an eyebrow, opening the door further. The rest of her friends searched obliviously for Yagi as Mina scanned the bathroom. Her golden eyes fell on the trash can, or rather, what sat next to the trash can. A silent gasp left her mouth as she slapped a hand over her mouth. She rushed over and picked up the object, turning towards the girls.

Her heart fell down to the soles of her shoes as she cleared her throat.

"Uh, guys..." She trailed off, gathering their attention. "Did Yagi ever mention being pregnant?"


hey, guys. i'm back for a little bit :)

chapter 61:
word count: 910

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