!Extra: The Parallel Yagis

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!DISCLAIMER: This is before Yagi lost her quirks. And this gets graphic I'll warn u when it starts and when it finishes.

No ones POV

Class was in session when suddenly a knock was heard.

"That must be our guest. Come in." Aizawa says as the door swings open to reveal a stunning woman dressed in black and navy blue.

"Hello my name is Quinn, but you can call me by my hero name, Parallel." The mysterious woman introduces herself.

"Parallel uses her quirk to send and trap enemies in parallel universes, showing them the other....well them. With each parallel universe, comes another form of the victim. As they're distracted, she retracts them from the parallel universe and arrests them." Aizawa explains as the class nods in amazement.

"Yes! The parallel universes show the victim either past or opposite versions of themselves!" Quinn chirps.

"Wow! That's so cool!" Kaminari exclaims as a pinkish tint rests on Quinn's cheeks.

"Can you show us?!" Mina excitedly bounces in her seat, her face beaming with hope.

Quinn turns to Aizawa and he reluctantly nods. She proceeds to turn to the class.

"Now I'll pick one of you for the victim of the parallels and then we can all visit with you." She says, scanning the room. "I pick you!" She cheers. That was all that was heard before a bright light engulfed the room and they all landed on a hard concrete surface.

Middle school:

"Huh?! W-who did she pick?" Kirishima asks, looking around.

"Wait! This is Mustafu!" Izuku says, observing every detail of the familiar scenery around them.

"Who the hell are you?" An annoyed voice  voice was heard all the class whipped their heads around to see a short, emotionless Yagi, staring up at them.

"Why is it always me?" The current Yagi asks, facepalming.

"Um can you move? I'm trying to get home, Izukus waiting." Yagi says, pointing down the road.

"Do you want us to bring you there?" Kaminari asks with a bright smile, extending his hand to Yagi. She looked at it with wide eyes, but they soon went their normal size as she smacked his hand away.

"I don't need help I'm in middle school damnit." Yagi says, starting to walk away.

"What are your plans of becoming a hero?" Sato asks and Yagi stops.

"Why do you need to know?" She asks over her shoulder.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to be a hero?" Shouji asks and Yagi sighs.

"Of course I do, everyone wants to. I'm quirkless so it's not like I have a choice." Yagi says, walking off from the shocked class.

"So you...were quirkless?!" Sero asks.


"Next one!" Quinn adds as the class is again engulfed in a ball of light.


As they feel solid ground beneath their feet, they look up only to be faced with a horrific sight.

⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️GRAPHIC SCENE STARTS HERE!!!!⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

Bloodlust loomed over the area as splatters of blood were scene all over the walls. The city they always knew somehow had turned gray and dull, having no light at all. Dead bodies lay, decaying along the street corners as screams of agony echoed through the dark city. The class shrieked as the teachers kept they're guard up, making sure to get ready for anything—anyone.

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