a slimy encounter

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|Edited| - (6/24/20)

Chapter 2:
a slimy encounter

Your POV


My alarm clock blared at 6 AM. My quick temper shined through in the form of a popping vein on my forehead as my first came crashing down on the snooze button. As the object slowly broke apart, my hand fell, causing my head to shoot up.

I cursed under my breath, peering down below at the shattered clock pieces laying across the carpet.

"Shit, that was the seventh one this week. Dad's gonna kill me," I groaned as I stood up, careful not to step on any remaining fragments of my poor alarm clock.


After my morning routine was all done and dandy, I sat at the table with my breakfast, scrolling aimlessly on my phone to pass the time. I was broken from my thoughts as Midoriya's contact name popped up, signaling a text from him.

Midoriya: wanna walk out a little early to see if we can catch a villain fight?

Me: sure

A small smile formed on my lips as I typed a lazy reply, grabbing my school bag.

Midoriya: i'll meet you in the hallway

Nodding to myself, I hurriedly ate the rest of my apple, throwing the core to the trashcan. I triumphantly pumped my fist in the air as it fell in the trash can.

I could so play basketball.

Midoriya's POV

I heard a knock at the door followed by a voice.

"C'mon, Midoriya. We haven't got all day,"

There she is.

"Coming!" I yelled in response as I grabbed my school bag, slipping my phone into my pocket.

We greeted each other, making small talk all the way to the lobby of the apartment building. We walked out the door and into the city. Immediately, I began scanning the area for any sign of commotion.

Your POV

I watched from afar as Midoriya's eyes jolted from one side to another every two seconds. I sighed, watching as he jumped at every little sound.

"Don't act so jumpy, Midoriya. If there really were any villain V.S. hero fights, wouldn't you think it would be a bit-" as the sentence rolled off my tongue, an explosion fired off somewhere in the distance, almost as if on cue. "-louder?" I finished my sentence as the two of us glanced towards one another before Midoriya started his break towards the scene.

I sighed, following behind him. It felt like I was babysitting a curious child.

Fans cheered all around us as I squeezed through the crowd, grabbing Midoriya's arm in an effort to not be sucked away by the sea of people. A light pink dusted his cheeks as he grabbed my hand, pulling me to the front.

"What's wrong? Are you flushed? Did you catch a cold alread-"

"What?! No! I-I'm...uh...EXCITED TO SEE THE BATTLE!" Midoriya's posture became stiff as he gave me a shaky smile.

I furrowed my brows, a little freaked at his expression, as I awkwardly returned his gesture. His gaze turned back towards the villain V.S. hero fight.
If I looked close enough I swear I could see the stars in his eyes.

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